Morning Coffee: 36-year-old ex-Goldman Sachs analysts happily earning $10m . Tears of Sam Bankman-Fr

Posted by PSR_AXP 19 mths ago
If you want to put yourself in the way of tens of millions of dollars of earnings by the time you're in your mid-30s, there are a few things that will probably help you along the way. Studying at Harvard, for example. Sharing a room with Joshua Kushner the billionaire venture capitalist and brother of Jared Kushner. Working on the Harvard school newspaper with Alex Blankfein, son of the former CEO of Goldman Sachs. But most of all, you need a short spell at Goldman Sachs, followed by a private equity career at Apollo Global.
Goldman Sachs is not an easy place to work; the hours can be long. But Apollo Global can be worse: in 2021, Apollo associates began quitting en masse amidst complaints of 20-hour days and jerkish/hungry behavior. Pay was subsequently hiked to $450k to compensate Apollo associates for the inconvenience.
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