pet insurance

Posted by uglybetty1 16 yrs ago
any advice? is it worth to do?

I have 2 dogs . and I m a life time member of SPCA .

i just took my dog to see the vet, And it cost me 1000 ..

but to be honest ., my dogs don;t go to the vet that often maybe 1-3 times a year , do the injection . sort of thing ..

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allynz 16 yrs ago
We didn't and at 4 months our dog was diagnosed with major kidney issues and not given long to live so we never went back and this diagnosis ruled out insurance as an option but we swore we would do it immediately upon getting another dog as we really think it is worth it.

However our dog turns 9 next month is perfectly fine and we just got told by the vet she is one of the healthiest dogs of her age he has seen and her low heart rate means she is really fit. So thankfully the first diagnosis was false but if it hadn't been we would have spent a fortune and the insurance would have been worth every penny.

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community advice 16 yrs ago
Thre ar various plans covering accident and/or illness but you might want to contact The Royal Alliance agent (part of Manulife ) at tel. 95888254 who can explain cost and coverage.

Hope this helps. The Community Advice Bureau (CAB)

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uglybetty1 16 yrs ago
the SPCA pet guard is value -for -money with annual premium as low as HK 1100 . let say I have 2 pets . it $ 1980 ( could be much more )

any one has any idea how much does it cost for the pet surgical fees ? I just want to know the cost frame . of coz I understand the major one will cost more . ..would it be up to over 500K for a surgical fee?

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macgarraidh 16 yrs ago
Our dog has had a couple of serious health issues. The most expensive one was a stay in hospital for tick fever. That cost around HKD20,000...! He is 12 so cannot now insure him. However we have recently got a second dog from Hong Kong Dog Rescue. He is around 5 so insurance here we come...!

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frenchfries 15 yrs ago
we got the SPCA Petguard when our pom was about a year old. we are so glad we did, because, since we got the insurance, she has been diagnosed with spinal problems. we had to get her an MRI which cost about HKD9000, which was covered. she also got other various ailments that required treatment and we didn't have to fork out our own money. we think getting our dog this insurance has been the best thing we did for her.

it doesn't cover routine check-ups and vaccinations, however.

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AngieC 15 yrs ago
with the Pet insurance, do you have to go see the Vet within the Network?

My dog passed away last year because of Kidney Failure and his treatment/medicine was very expensive. But for our next dog, I'd consider Pet insurance.

What exactly does it cover and approximately how much is the premium?

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ankitadas 13 yrs ago

Premium is always depend on the particular policy you are having. Pet insurance give you the full assistance to cover your pets medical problem.

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