Can someone tell me where I can buy a Large dog house?

Posted by panatina 15 yrs ago
My Shepherd dog had outgrown its dog house. I need to get it a bigger house but find its really expensive. And the size is not really that big too. Does anyone know where I can get one below $1000? I had to get one that has a door which I can lock him in while its raining. I cannot leave the dog in my house as I got kids which had allergy. I have no choice but to keep him out door.

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Devon 15 yrs ago
Doesn't sound like an ideal set up, keeping a large dog jammed in a cage while it's raining. What happens when the rainy season starts? The dog will be subjected to spending large amounts of time stuck in the cage outside in the heat. Perhaps you could find an alternative arrangement because it's not the dog's fault he's outgrown his cage and it's not your kids' fault they're allergic. BTW, aside from the rain, where do you keep the dog anyway? Your kids are allergic so he must be outside already? Why do you need to keep him in cage when it rains? Rain is not harmful to dogs especially in the heat. I'd suggest get rid of the dog (hand over to HKDR for example) because what you're doing is not fair on the dog.

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lcantley 15 yrs ago
Have a carpenter construct a covered unit that is raised off the ground. I have 2 German Shepherds and we have NEVER locked them in a kennel! Why would you lock your dog up?? It's not a child.

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