Re-socializing my dog

Posted by Leah96 13 yrs ago
My female dog, who is a year old, has become slightly aggressive toward other dogs. She started behaving this way after she came into heat and started fighting with my other dog, a 5 month old female. They fought so badly, we had to keep them separated but it got worse, to the point where we had to re-home the younger one. That happened about 2 months ago. Before that, my 1 yr old dog would be great with other dogs. She'd get really happy when she saw them while on walks. She would put her head really high and her tail would start wagging, I could tell she was happy. But ever since that fight, even after the other dog was re-homed, every time I take her for a walk and she passes another dog, she'll crouch really low to the ground like she's hunting, and her tail is always down. No one lets their dog come up to her anymore. And I understand why... The other day I was walking her, as usual and 2 people let their dogs sniff mine. She growled at both of them and gave them the death stare. I'm sure if I didn't pull her away she'd start a really bad fight. I know she's probably being cautious and a little defensive, but I want her to go back to normal, I just don't know how I can do that.

Sorry for the really long post, but I need some advice. What can I do to make her feel comfortable around other dogs again?

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Devon 13 yrs ago
Shower her with treats. My dog was scared of large dogs, but with giving her LOTS of treats when he was around them, he improved. I'd suggest you take your dog to the vet incase something has changed medically. It sounds like your dog is fearful and is aggressive as a result. Next time you take her out, give her heaps of treats even before another dog approaches so she'll begin to associate other dogs mean food and fun.

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Devon 13 yrs ago
Breed of dog makes no difference.

What you need to work out is your dog's fear level as in distance. By that I mean how far away is the other dog when your dog begins to display aggression? Whatever the distance is, BEFORE that distance is lessened you need to reward her for not being aggressive. She won't show aggression as long as the other dog is far enough away. Once your dog is fine with that distance (and being given treats), then gradually let the other dog come closer. This is called systematic desensitisation.

Araminta seems to be suggesting you "flood" your dog by approaching other dogs. Flooding means overwhelming your dog with something it finds fearful, in your case, other dogs. Flooding can reult in even more aggression and most of the time with fearful dogs, it doesn't work. Because your dog is fearful of other dogs she will most certainly be focusing on the other dogs and not you and pulling on her leash won't help.

BTW, I am a qualified canine behaviourist.

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Devon 13 yrs ago
The behaviour the OP described is typical fear aggression as you know. What I'm saying is if the OP's dog was a rottweiler or a chihuahua, the training method would be the same for both dogs because of the behaviour they are displaying. But if the chihuahua was lunging at other dogs, then the training would have to be modified. Apart from that all other factors of the OP's dog needs to be taken into account. Really answering on a forum doesn't help without seeing the dog and the behaivour, but I thought the OP might give the desensitisaton a go first.

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Leah96 13 yrs ago
Thanks so much for the advice Devon. I tried your desensitization method, but it didn't really work. The moment she sees another dog, she locks on to it for a while, and gets in to her hunting position when she's about 20 to 30 metres away from it. I tried to give her treats when shes standing upright, while looking at other dogs, but she ignores me, but begs for the treats when there are no dogs around. No matter how hard I jerk her collar to get her attention off the other dog, she just focuses on it, and I just end up having to pull her away. My dog is a medium sized mix-breed, if that matters to anyone. Anything else I can try?

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Devon 13 yrs ago
Try further back. She could be 50 or 60 metres away from another dog and still react. You need to keep going further back until she won't react. There will be a distance that she will tolerate. Where do you live? Have you got any space to practice? Have you got friends who have dogs? If so, try with a friend's dog with the desensitisation. Does she know basic commands? If so when you see a dog approaching start doing basic things like sit and give treats. You are more likely to see another dog before she cos you're taller, so when you see one start the training. Distraction might help.

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moniqueinchina 13 yrs ago
Dear Devon, thanks for your advices,

do you live in HK ?

I might come and live there in Sept, bringing my dog, a middle size stray Tunisian dog, the most beautiful eyes you can imagine, but who starts barking as soon as he sees another dog .. although living peacefully with .. many cats at home.

By the way, I also need info about bringing my dog/cats in HK from Belgium.

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Leah96 13 yrs ago
Devon, I've been doing what you said, and she's getting better, slowly, but its great! I live in Kennedy Town, and a lot of people who live here own dogs as well. Most of my friends have cats instead of dogs, and thats fine because most people where I live don't mind my dogs behaviour. My dog does know basic commands, but when we're out, she's too focused on her surroundings to listen to me, and that becomes a problem sometimes. Thanks again for the advice, it really helped!

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Devon 13 yrs ago
Your welcome Leah. Patience, perseverance and most of all consistency goes a long way with training animals. Keep changing the treats so she doesn't become bored with them. It will take some time, perhaps months before she becomes confident around dogs again and loses her aggressive behaviour, but as long as you keep doing what you're doing, slowly desensitising her, she'll be back to how she was.

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Devon 13 yrs ago
moniqueinchina - yes I do live in HK.

Sorry I don't know anything about bringing dogs and cats in from Belgium. Government agencies in Belguim (Agriculture Department or exporting domestic animals) will have advice for you I'm sure.

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