biting husky

Posted by mad dog 15 yrs ago
Well its sticky but , I know a little technic ,

as soon as it bites your hand while playing stick your finger down its throat(straight away, dont wait a few seconds straight away, like in one motion,it will soon stop because its not nice.(just a little gag is enough)

It will soon realise a bite = a little gag.unpleasant feeling.

But dont hurt the husky, and if you have long nails i would not advise it might scratch.

I would say enjoy but its a little gross, so good luck.

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Devon 15 yrs ago
Not a good idea to shove your fingers down the pup's throat because you can damange the soft tissue. Aside from that you'll still have your hand in his mouth which is what he is after and that's the very thing your trying to stop. You will confuse him if you have your hand in his mouth then tell him off for biting.

Next time he bites, make a yelping sound as a littermate would and he will likely stop and look at you. When he does immediately reward him with a toy and praise him. Every time he bites (or intends to bite) you need to distract him with a toy. Throw it a short way from him and hopefully he'll chase it. Keep this up and he should stop. It's a typical behaviour a lot of pups display because they are learning about their environment and one thing they use is their sharp, little teeth. Another thing is to stop playing with him when he bites.

One more thing. If your pup hasn't spent long enough time (8 weeks minimum from the day he was born) learning "canine etiquette" from his littermates it will probably take longer to stop him biting, but perservere with the "yelping" and toy distractions and he'll eventually stop.

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mad dog 15 yrs ago

'shove" is not what i was getting at.

Yelping hahaha just means your

a follower not a leader, so you will have plenty more problems after giving into the dog like that.

and distracting the dog just helps for that period, of time.

Husky's are very dominant breed, high energy.

But its just an advice forum , there are plenty of people that know it all.

its just my advice.

dont baby it, dominat it, its dog, not human.

You need to be a leader.

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Devon 15 yrs ago
Shoving, or quickly putting (no difference in my book) fingers down a pup's throat in an attempt to stop it biting won't work and it will likely create new problems such as when a vet needs to look in his mouth. The pup will have already formed an association of an unpleasant experience so will likely not like a vet going near his mouth.

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mad dog 15 yrs ago
ok Mr smartie pants , I get it you just mr know it all.

I would never give a dog a treat or a ball to play with after it has bitten a human, cause thats just saying if you bite me you get a treat good doggie.

so your pups would have already associated a bite with get a treat.

I'm done

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mad dog 15 yrs ago
I totaly agree with you missmomo.

dominate the dog , dont let it rule you and your home.

A dog needs to have a pack leader for it to feel needed and wanted and to give it purpose.

well writen.


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Devon 15 yrs ago
Mad dog - your are so ignorant as to how dogs learn. Your attitude to dog ownership is EXACTLY what dog trainers/behaviourists have trouble with. If you have a dog (and I sure hope you don't) do you beat it to a pulp if it does something wrong? I suppose you "rub your dog's nose in it" if it pees inside? I think you should read a few books on canine behaviour and you might learn that "dominating" dogs is not the way to go. All the dog learns is to be frightened of it's owner.

You have also not understood what I and missimo are saying. We are not saying (or at least I'm not) to "dominate" the dog, we are saying to mimic what dogs do to each other.

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mad dog 15 yrs ago
I think your ignorant one.

I dont beat my dog never have never will.

The word dominate has been mistaken on your part.

and i think you need to read up on how dogs actualy live in the wild.

they live in packs, with one pack leader and the rest follow.

One steps out of line and it gets bit.

I meant by saying dominate as in become the pack leader of your dog.

not dominate as beat the dog to a PULP, as you put it.

your a real winner.

I actualy own 3 dogs mate for your information.

ever thing i have writen on this page you have blown it out of proportion.(however that is spelt) and taken it to the next level.

tell you what , I mean by what i say dominate and become a pack leader, watch a couple of ceaser milans show's, The Dog Whisper.

i think he will even teach you a few things.

If thats possible.

May be you'll change your view on how dogs behaviour.

you and missimo are not saying the same things" nut"

and to add to that comment on what you say mimic what do to each other,

Dogs dont throw each other toys and reward each other for good behaviour for bad behaviour.

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Devon 15 yrs ago
No point in continuing arguing mad dog, but I'd just like to add that again, you have completely misunderstood what I'm saying. "Yelping" or making a loud noise when a pup bites MIMICS puppy behaviour.

And as for Caesar Milan. I believe he has an affinity with dogs but I don't necessarily agree with his methods of how to stop aggression. He often "floods" dogs which risks the behaviour getting worse. Stanley Coren, Victoria Stillwell, Jan Fennell, Patricia McConnell and Steven Lindsay (to name a few) have more success in my opinion, but that's only MY opinion. Each to their own.

BTW, I am a qualified canine behaviourist.

Eddie66 - good luck with your pup.

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mad dog 15 yrs ago
The real nutty thing about the world Devon is everybody know more than the other, and your right its only opinions.

That is what makes forums so good.

And as for being qualified well , those things dont mean much for me , eg. I went to a doctor once and he diagnosed me wrong for a few years, and he's qualified so people may study things for many years but will they ever know.

some people are supposed to be and other are not.

any way its no affence to you.

And I'm almost positive we will have another chat soon.

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