Dog Chewing Furniture

Posted by Sapphire 15 yrs ago
About a year ago we got a second dog to keep our older one company and after the initial 'getting to know each other' period they got on really well and we noticed a change in our older dog that she seemed a lot happier to have company. I only work part-time and we have a part-time maid so there is only 2 or 3 days each week when the dogs are alone for around 5 hours. They have plenty of exercise - 3 or 4 walks each day.

When we first had the younger dog she started to chew things ... books, chairs, sofa!! But we know what young dogs can be like so we didn't make a big deal about it. However, she hasn't done this for many months now and we thought she was over it, but suddenly she's started to chew two corners off a very expensive coffee table!! ... and we had only left them alone for just over an hour!! Hubby has gone mad, but what can we do?!! We love the dog very much and give both of them much love and attention ... they have all sorts of chew toys/bones etc. and we don't neglect them in any way. I've even basted the corners of the coffee table in extra hot tabasco sauce ... but she seems to like it!! Does anyone have any suggestions how we can stop her from chewing the whole apartment?

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Pumpkin Girl 15 yrs ago
It's worth trying bitter apple spray. You can find it in some pet shops like Dog one life and Whiskers N Paws. One of my dogs likes chilli too but doesn't like the bitter apple.

My furniture is all but ruined by the dogs, but I prefer being surrounded by the happiness they give me than having nice stuff.

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Sapphire 15 yrs ago
Thanks for the suggestions! I'll give the chilli oil and bitter apple spray a try to see if either of them makes a difference. We've given up on buying anything new for our home, but it's heartbreaking to see some pieces of furniture that we really like being destroyed ... I guess we could always fence them in ... the furniture, not the dogs!!lol

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Devon 15 yrs ago
Spraying the furniture won't work. Your dog is showing signs of separation anxiety. Have you changed any routines like work hours etc? Any change in routine and environment can contribute to changes in behaviour. Your dog needs to learn to be without you and at the moment she is fearful of it. Start by ingnoring her for short periods during the day. Like when you see her first thing in the morning don't make a fuss of her but ignore her for say 3 minutes then call her to you and pat her and make a fuss. Do this throughout the day. Every time you leave the room don't talk to her or make a fuss of her, just ignore her and walk away. When you come back do the same. Leave the room, shut the door behind you, then in say 30 seconds walk back in. If she whines or barks, ignore it and walk in as soon as she stops protesting.

Gradually you can increase the periods of isolation where she'll accept being isolated from you and she should be fine.

It's important to ignore unwanted behaviour and reward good behaviour. And it's also important that everyone in the household, including the part time maid does the same otherwise the dog will become confused.

You can PM me if you want further help.

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