advise on how to raise a puppy

Posted by woofwoofwoof 10 yrs ago
Hi, we just bought a puppy (we had our reasons to have to go to the pet shop to get a puppy).

He is 3 months old and has a chip inserted. Since this is our first experience buying a dog in HK and with the Language barrier, we need help on what to do next, after the dog comes home.

1. do we need to get him checked up at the vet?

2. quite frankly, our interaction with the pet shop owner is limited, how should we ask if his vaccinations are up to date?

3. how do we transfer the microchip details?

4. please let us know anything else we need to cover so that we know our new family member is up to date!

Thank you so much and kindest regards!

We are really looking forward to having him join us!

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Xshoequeen 10 yrs ago
Thanks Cara, definitely will stop at the Vet.

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orchardarea 10 yrs ago
Not buying from a pet shop is indeed a good start. If you dig a bit deeper, you would be astounded by the number of pets euthanised for no reason.

But now that you did let's help you:

With loads of love and patience! This means no punishment or scare tactics, but praises, sweet words and yummy treats for doing something right! They are surprisingly clever and learn quickly if given the right reward (so do humans :>). Please take a bit of time to find good and yummy food and watch out for allergy signals. Some puppies are delicate and allergic to household cleaners, chemicals, aerosols etc. It's not their fault!

They need regular vaccinations and check ups from the vet.

And a good amount of exercise daily (all breeds do! If the pet shop tells you exercise is not needed, they are lying) and perhaps a few squeaky toys.

It took us a few weeks to gauge our rescue puppy's best exercise/energy routine. Once we got everything right, she is easy and the best doggie ever! Her loyalty has surpassed our every expectation of having a dog.

They bring joy and happiness and a sense of innocence that we humans sometimes forget.

Good luck!

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