3.5 month old crying/tantrums

Posted by white rabbit 18 yrs ago
Hi my usually very happy 3 month old has just started to cry and have tantrums all the time. I know it is just for attention as if I pick him up the crying stops. can any of you suggest tips I could try to stop this or will he just simply grow out of it?.

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
Pick him up and carry him around :-)

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white rabbit 18 yrs ago
he has just come off a flight and has seemed to be a bit restless. although he is much better today than yesterday. I pick him up and cuddle him all the time. take him on walks and make sure he always has a clean nappy and does not go hungry...

he may indeed have a tummy ache as he has not done a poo for 3 days now and normally does one overy day.

thanks anyway for your suggestions.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
sounds like he is unsettled due to the flight and tummy so just be patient, he might not cry as much when he feels better....especially after he does his long overdue poo! :)

walks will help not only him but you too! do not stay at home listening to him cry, take him out for a walk to distract him.

agree with cara: crying is the major way of communication at this stage...mine is 6 months old and he's been really grouchy recently. reason - he is desperately trying get himself into a sitting position unaided and try to crawl properly. so everytime he hits a hurdle or bumps his heads, he screams in frustration!

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cd 18 yrs ago
It could be that he has colic, it often seems to hit at about three months. But agree with the others, you can never cuddle a baby too much.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
aww...that is a lovely rhyme....and very true!!

was looking at his newborn photos the other day...can't believe how much he has grown in the last 6 months!!!

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white rabbit 18 yrs ago
Bub is much better now back to his usual self really, I gave him some diluted prune juice in a bottle which he loved and it gently cleaned him out. I have started to give him a juice drink in the afternoons and it has really helped.It was winter in australia and it's much hotter here, I think maybe he just needed some added fluid.

Ruth: love the little rhyme.

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angel toes 18 yrs ago
i have a three month old baby boy who also recently started crying or complaining whenever i walked away from him he really doesn't like to be left alone for more than a couple of minutes and can quickly work himself into a crying frenzy which is quite distressing for any mum but he is fine when hes close to me or anyone else, that's hard as I'm alone with him most of the time and need to do chores or take a shower , I've found putting him in his stroller and having him near me in the kitchen or when hanging out laundry etc helps as he can still see me and he feels secure that hes not being deserted but sometimes you cant do that(like when using the bathroom) so i sing loudly he usually still cries but at least he knows im still close by and it helps to relax me too.

About two weeks ago he went from pooing two or three times a day to suddenly not pooing for 4 days i was very worried and asked my local mother in law what to do she told me the same try diluted fruit juice and it worked but after a routine check up with his pediatrician i mentioned it to his doctor and was told that at around two and a half to three months babies start to get control over bowel movements and the stomach is more developed so more of the milk is absorbed or used by there bodies so the consistency of the poo also changes and becomes thicker and more glued together and if the baby is exclusively breast feeding its quite normal for them to go between 8 to 10 days between poops ,my little one has now regulated at about six days, if on formular i think it should be more frequent than that. also remember that if breast feeding he will probably need to feed more often here in the heat to keep him from dehydrating than back home and the doctor also recommended i start giving him some boiled bottled water especially on hot days in between feeds although hes not very interested in it and only occasionally drinks it he mostly just spits it out.

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