Are Kids Too Coddled?

Posted by Ed 10 yrs ago

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Lucane01 10 yrs ago
Of course they are too coddled but that is because their parents are coddled too.

Modern children are over-schooled yet under-educated, most come out of college with no actual skills and only a bunch of theory... most of which is in entirely useless subjects like political "science." It is all a part of a scam to delay the mental maturation of children, fully indoctrinate them into a government run society and indebt them for decades with un-bankruptable government loans. On top of that the entire society is taught "political correctness" so as to never say a massive list of words and phrases that might "offend" someone (in reality these terms never offended anyone before, but now people have been taught to feel offense upon hearing these words). No one is taught to make actual achievements, but rather just "try hard" and that all that matters is how much effort one puts into it - results are irrelevant in America.

It was not a giant evil conspiracy that caused all of this, but the predictable end result is as devastating as if there were a master plan behind it all. During their whole lives the boomer generation was coddled by free trinkets from Japan & China and illusions of golden-year carefree retirements on the golf course... it is only natural that they would want to coddle their children just as they were coddled by government. But the American boomer generation's standard of living was a complete fluke and they will soon realize the depth of their mistakes in both their life choices and the destitute paths they set their children on.

The solution, as always, is to get the government the hell out of education and allow children and parents to select educational programs and schedules that best fit their demands. Sal Khan does excellent lectures on education (his lectures on the education system) that highlights how hilariously flawed it is - and he presents the flaws in a way such as to not offend the delicate sensibilities of the progressive hive. The path to real progress is through optionality and choice offered by the free market, not through top-down Soviet central planning that dictates how children aged 5-22 are educated.

By the way, it is amusing to read biographies of the great leaders of as recently a century ago. Most were great by their early 20s... but in modern America a person below 25 is still generally considered a kid. Back then a 13 year old was a "young adult" and someone over 16 was an adult and expected to work and produce like any other adult would. But today people under 25 have the mental capacity of children and are completely sheltered from the real world via the government-controlled education bubble.

As always though, people will clamor for government "solutions" to "solve" the problems that government itself induced.

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Designmgr 10 yrs ago
In HK ...oh yes....that's good...then all the Mama's boys won't be able to stand against or compete with my kids later.

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