Certify copies of documents

Posted by Eagle1 18 yrs ago

Can someone offer up the name of a "Professional" - Accountant, Engineer, JP etc who doesn't charge an "arm or leg", willing to certify/witness a few copies of passport details to send to Canada.

Would appreciate any assistance.


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Claire 18 yrs ago
The Canadian Consulate has such a service, HK$350 per document (signature), or $140 to certify a copy of a document.

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petit 18 yrs ago
can you certify any document there? my passport is British and I need a certify copy of it, can I go there or has the British counsulate this service also?

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turtle1 18 yrs ago
If "Commisioner of Oaths" is one of them, you can do this for free at The Centre in Central.

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