Best Cup for Bottle Refusing Baby!

Posted by asking 18 yrs ago
My LO still refuses to take a bottle. I am now starting to introduce solids and want to give her a CUP to drink from.

I have Avent and Tommee Tippee ones but because she has 'forgot' or wont'suck from a bottle she doesnt really know what to do with a Cup.

Which is better - one that is free flowing or the sippy cup variety?

Grateful also for your experiences/advice on how you got your LO to take milk from a cup.


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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago

Interesting you should post this thread today - I gave my bub a sippy cup for the 1st time! I bought the avent 6m+ one.

I think it takes time for your baby to get used to it so take it slow. Today I offered him some water via the cup after his 11.30am solids. He looked at it strangely but since he's putting just about everything in his mouth, he decided to try it out - drank about 30ml of water out of it (tried it with his 2.30pm milk but he wasn't too keen then). I actually tried sucking it myself when i first bought it - takes quite alot of effort so like i said take it slow. maybe you can try what i do....still offer bottles but practice during solids feeding with the sippy cup? then you can ensure your baby is still getting enough fluids while she gets used to the sippy cup.

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crj 18 yrs ago
Our baby is not a bottle baby either.

We tried the Nuk sippy cup - it was sooo hard to suck, even I couldn't get anything out of that. Maybe ours was a defect?

We then tried Avent, and it is much better, once he figured out how to suck, he did drink some, the flow is quite fast so sometimes he pulls off with too much.

I am interested to hear when people change to a 'cup' and what other sippy cups they like and why.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
i chose avent only because we have so many avent bottles at home i can just buy the spout and fit it into anyone of them. but just like bottles, i guess this is a matter of trial and error to see which sippy cups he will to best.

joshmomm: i can imagine you would have great success with buzz lightyear tumbler, definitely more exciting for a kid than the regular sippy cup!

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:-)) 18 yrs ago
My daughter never took a bottle either, and we eventually got her drinking from a straw cup. You can get them in PNS or Wing On's plastic storage section (not baby section). Straw bit folds down so won't spill when travelling. Apparently breastfed babies often take to straws quite young because it uses similar muscles in the mouth to breastfeeding.

I also have the Tommee Tippee cups but didn't like the fact that it's impossible to clean them properly. At least with the straw cups you can get a pipecleaner into the straw and spout.

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miso 18 yrs ago
Both my kids took to the Playtex Sippy Cup very quickly. I just filled it with cold water and let them play with it. When they got the idea, I introduced it at mealtimes. I introduced milk with a tommee tippee later which my eldest took to very quickly (she never took a bottle), and my youngest refuses (she's bottle fed).

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