OK to wear white?

Posted by kooni 18 yrs ago
New to HK. Is it OK to wear a white dress to a formal function this time of year? In the US, there is no white after Labor Day... Thank you.

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owner 18 yrs ago
you are joking, right?

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kooni 18 yrs ago
nope. so i guess it's totally ok. it's truly not in the US...

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FliedLice 18 yrs ago

I thought the US was very liberal in everything ?

If the function is a wedding and the dress is a wedding dress, then the answer is yes. If you are not the bride, the answer is NO. If none of the above the answer is, wear what you like :D

Be happy, we are not here long enough to waste it being miserable.

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qvong 18 yrs ago
It is not a "Law" in the U.S. that you can't wear white after Labor Day. It's was just a common trend that people fallowed due to the change in the weather and season that people caught on to. Typically after Labor Day the weather begins to get cold, rainy and even snows in some places. And we all know what happens when you mix wet with white..Where as in the spring and summer it's sunny and warm so the color fit the season better.

I do not foresee a no "white" clothing band here in Hong Kong after Labor Day as there is no Labor Day here in HK and by simply looking at the fashion people currently wear on the streets otherwise longs sleeve, jeans and jackets should be band in HK in the summer. Like FliedLice said as longs as it's not a wedding (if you are not the bride) then you are good.

Wear what you feel and look good in!!!

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kooni 18 yrs ago
Thank you all. Not a wedding. Will wear the dress. Just odd coming from a city with four seaons (winters being brutal) being able to wear white this time of year! All just an adjustment. :)

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kooni 18 yrs ago
will wear the white dress with gold accessories and red accents. it's a stunning dress, so i am thrilled to be able to wear it throughout the year. in ny, i had about 2 months of the year to wear it! thank you!

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