Any classes for 6-month-olds ?

Posted by Pisces74 18 yrs ago
Help! I'm running out of ideas to 'entertain' my little one. She is 6 month old, she naps very little, I have to constantly 'entertain' her. I do all sorts, read, play, let her watch DVDs, bring her out, etc, etc, I've run out of ideas and getting bored with what I've been doing, although I know babies don't mind repetition.

I thought of bringing her to some classes where she can socialise with other babies around her age . But as far as I know, most of the classes/schools are for 1 year and above. Anyone recommendation?


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littlebuddha 18 yrs ago
I take my 7 months old to Gymboree ( once a week. They offer classes for 6 to 10 months olds and are also open for free play during certain times. My little one loves it. I've heard about several other centres such as Gymbaroo, MyGym and Panda Junction but haven't checked them out myself.

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ajsinhk 18 yrs ago
As Hong Kong is a unique place for children to grow up, there are many diffent activities available for children here that are not found in other places. You could send your child to one of the local banks day trading classes where kids are taught about leverage foreign exchange, day trading, market manipulation, etc. Alternatively, you might get your baby interested in the property market....Best of luck.

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