Put AFFAIR to an END?

Posted by kjshek 18 yrs ago
Hi guiltypleasure, married life is a commitment between 2 grown ups and each one of u need to respect each other for that... Although, there are times u might meet someone and be tempted with the situation but this is only for a short period of time. Then u need to get hold of yourself and remind urself that your already taken .... meaning ur married! You urself mentioned that u want to make ur marriage work so u know the answer to ur question.... END it!

Good luck!

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ritad 18 yrs ago
i think i understand you...it is easy to say but sometimes when another men show more interest in you or see thngs your husband never say...there can be a temptation..but i also agree to just end it...you migh end up losing alot at the end...

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sandiexxxx 18 yrs ago
good luck.. it will not be easy for you, please be strong !

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Meiguoren 18 yrs ago
Once you end it with #2, put a lot of energy into how to put the flame back into your marriage with #1! It may be hard at first, but something made you fall in love with him the first time. See if you can renew that commitment and find it again. Work, worry, kids -- the real world -- is hard on a marriage. See if you can find a way to separate out those things (e.g. a weekend away, take up a hobby together, do something that allows you to totally escape from stress and everyday life for a few hours) and make time for you and #1 to enjoy each other again. Good luck!

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purplelady 18 yrs ago
Affairs begin with two people who find each other interesting and attractive. For whatever reason, the relationship escalates into romance and, finally, into sexual intimacy. People who seek romance and sexual intimacy outside of their primary relationship feel that their relationship is missing something, so they go out and they seek it from someone else.

Do not complicate matters by having an affair. All you are going to do is end up hurting a lot of people. That's what happens, reliably, every time, when people have extramarital affairs.

Talk to your hubby about how you BOTH feel and you would very much like this precious marriage to work. Do not be afraid to share your feelings, likes and dislikes and emotion.

A note to bear in mind to listen what are his needs as well.

Once people feel secure, loved, wanted through touch, they allow themselves to be open and vulnerable on many different levels. They allow themselves to invest emotionally, something they are not likely to do unless they feel centered by touch.

Giving to your partner what your partner needs is not an act of selflessness. It is enlightened self-interest. You get back in many ways. There is, of course, the direct sexual benefit. The relationship benefits because intimacy is enhanced; your partner is more likely to open up verbally as a result of feeling connected physically. It creates energy, so you feel more alive. And self-perception benefits, because it increases your sense of yourself as a vital, sexual human being.....

All the best to you both!!!

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BB 18 yrs ago
End it ......... be honest with yourself and accept you have some troubles/issues with your marriage. Sort them out ... TALK from the heart with your husband and understand what is bothering you both. You loved him enough to marry him! Work at it! The grass is always greener.

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