Less milk please,more solids!

Posted by ellie55 18 yrs ago
my baby doesnt drink formula milk ,i have to add them into his cereal.Is that all rite?Does that mean if i added 4 oz ,he has supposedly drank 4 oz?He loves solid,but we need to coax him using spoons or cups when drinking milk and even so he doesnt drank more than 8 oz per day.How/(Why?) does yr babies manage solids and drink milk before or after solids?Normally after solids he is already soo full.Did i overfeed?What kind of bowl measuremts do you use?thank you!!!!( Still breastfeeding currently,it did occur to me mabbe he doesnt like formula.)

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago

mine is 6 months plus, on formula very early on. at about 2 months, he started to struggle during feeds and it could take me almost an hour just to feed him 120ml.

then we introduced solids at 5 months. he still drinks the same little amounts but i add milk into his food to make it to a smooth consistency. when he is older and has to eat more lumpy food, then i will just have to add less...but by then while babies still need to drink milk (still v important part of their diet), they won't need to drink that much. from books like annabel karmel and gina ford, they say a baby on solids should still have at least 500-600ml of milk daily, through bottle/breast/adding to food.

mine is on 3 meals now and for breakfast and lunch, i still give him milk before food. will have to start giving him milk after his lunch instead soon.

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ellie55 18 yrs ago
wheelymate-did you spoonfeed?Mine doesnt like bottles.I have tried every brand.Now im back to breastfeeding before his solids,once,i pumped the milk out,but i only manage with little per day.So when i feed solids,we use formula.Mabbe 100ml per meal.Im very sure he is not getting enough so now i added cheese and yogurt.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
milk feeding: i tried a different bottle brand too but that didn't work. over time, i have come to accept that he is not a big milk drinker. so i have to be patient, cajole him into drinking by rocking him about the house, giving him a 10-15 mins break before trying again, etc. spoonfeeding i tried too but he rejected the milk too!

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Matilda 18 yrs ago
The World Health Organization recommendations are to breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months, then introduce solids with continued breastfeeding through the first year. Based on the current information, if your baby is on a variety of solids and still breastfeeding, he/she does not require formula.

Well Baby Clinic - 2849 1500

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong


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crj 18 yrs ago

First of all CONGRATULATIONS you are still breast feeding. I remember you had a lot of challenges starting off and you really are wonderful to have persisted and to be still breast feeding now - way to go!

solids&milk - feeding and on 3 x solid meals per day. Now my small baby is not a good example, but I have notieced that he spends more time breast feeding in the morning and evening, and during the day around his solids he drinks less from me (sometimes less than 5 minutes). I have read this is pretty normal for a baby who was a small eater anyway. Ironically, he loves his solids most days.

We have never tried formula either. But we do plan to stop breast feeding at one year and introduce milk. I will discuss with our midwife how to make that transition and when to start.

pumping - I also found at about 7/8 months the amount I could pump dramatically reduced to the point I stopped pumping. I posted a separate thread on this and apparently it is NORMAL. When I asked the midwife why I never read this anywhere (and you know me, a total geek researcher!), she said something very interesting "So few woman make it to 6 months, that there is less information on breast feeding / pumping after 6 months!"

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ellie55 18 yrs ago
Cri- have another problem recently.must be something i did wrong,he is uninterested in solids recently we had to coax him to open his mouth.i heard this is normal for a one yr old,but at 8 months???*sign

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
ellie, i think babies are funny that way.....one minute they like something, one minute they don't...

last week, my baby would cry if i didn't spoon the food quickly enough into his mouth at 5pm...it was the first week we introduced solids at 5pm so i didn't want to give him too much...he was so frantic and would cry when i didn't have any left.in fact, i had to feed him before 5pm and he would be panting as he watched me stir the food!

and then this week, i made more...and he's not as hungry anymore, hahah!! everyday is a new experience for these little ones!


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crj 18 yrs ago
I have a good trick to share.

I make the food in one container, and put a metal adult spoon in that.

Then I have a small baby bowl and plastic spoon.

I then use the metal spoon, to put a small amount in his baby bowl.

I then feed him with a plastic baby spoon, and add more as I need to.

So basically, the larger amount of food remains 'clean' without any of his saliva or germs, so I can cover then put in the fridge and use for next meal. This way I don't waste so much food.

and even our amazing eater has days where he decides food is not good and he only wants yogurt or doesn't eat much at all... so yes, Ellie *sigh* it isn't easy!

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