Iron Drops - how do you administer?

Posted by asking 18 yrs ago
Doc just gaves us some iron drops to give bubs. 12 drops per day.

This is quite a lot when you drop it out and its black in colour.

It says its easy palatable on bottle and you can mix with veg, fruit and yoghurt

How do you administer yours? How does your LO take to it?

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
surely you meant 1-2 drops and not 12 drops daily???

my baby is on polyvisol vitamins drops..i just drop the recommended amount into his breakfast cereal or fruit.

on its own, it is pretty tart and tangy so he does not take too well to it.

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:-)) 18 yrs ago
We used a medicine syringe. Our child liked the taste of the iron drops so we had no problem administering it. I think Wheelymate is talking about a different product - 12 drops sounds about right to me.

Watch out for how badly it stains, though - that's the only problem with mixing it in foods. At least with syringe we could hold a tissue under the chin to avoid drips on clothes.

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