Newborn Feeds

Posted by Bumblebzz 18 yrs ago
2 part ques:

My son is 8wks old, and it almost always takes him exactly 1 hour to finish a feed of anything from 4 oz to 6.5 oz.

Does this seem fairly normal, or should I consider using a different nipple?

I'm curious, as I've read other moms mention their babies will gulp down similar amts much quicker.I'm very patient, and fine if thats just how he wants it though.

Also, at what stage should I consider adding a tiny bit of rice cereal to his milk (formula)?


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crj 18 yrs ago
baby does not need rice (aka Solids) until 6 months. Some babies need it sooner if the doctor advises (mine had to start at 5 months due to weight issues).

Wheelymate will have a lot of advice about bottle feeds, I am sure she will reply to the rest of your post as well as other bottle feeders.

good luck.

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Bumblebzz 18 yrs ago
I was not implying that my 8 wk old would need rice cereal added no no...I was asking at what stage I would start.

I suppose I'll try the flow 2 teat now.


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MianFei 18 yrs ago
Well, the cereal is just to supply empty calories (more or less, carbohydrate) when he starts having bigger energy needs from physical activity. Baby will let you know when he needs more food than what the milk supplies!

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mum2004 18 yrs ago
My baby was like this at the beginning and after a few weeks, he improved :-) and could drink his bottle in 15mn. So I think you just have to wait a little bit, he'll do it when he's ready !

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Matilda 18 yrs ago
Like adults , babies all have different speeds at which they finish their food .

Some babies are "grazers " and others are "ravenous " feeders , so long as your baby is gaining and growing

weight well I wouldnt be worried ,

Regarding starting Rice cereal the latest recommendation is for both Breast and Formula babies to start around

6 months as this allows for the babies gut to have matured and minimises food allergies .

It is not a good idea to mix rice cereal in with the babies formula and give through the bottle as there have been incidents of infants choking .

You would be most welcome to bring the baby in and we could answer any furthur questions you have .

Well Baby clinic 2849 1500

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago

every baby is different. for your sake, i hope this is just a phase or just a issue of ungrading to another teat with more holes.

my LO is now 7 months. sometime after he was 2 months old, he started struggling with his milk - it could take up to an hour to finish a 120ml bottle. it was distressing especially when friends made comments like oh, how come so little? mine can drink x and x amount per feed.

so i checked with his doctor at 4 months and the doc recommended solids because his milk intake was too low. after 1 more month of trying, i gave up and introduced solids. it is still a struggle getting him to down a big bottle of milk but i keep telling myself as he grows bigger and eats more food, milk feeds while still important will not be critical.

i sincerely hope yours is not an extreme case like mine. start off with changing to a bigger teat hole first and then seek advice from the doc or midwife if you are really worried. good luck!!

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Meiguoren 18 yrs ago
Actually, wheelymate's reply makes my little alarm bell ring for "failure to thrive" symptoms. Is your baby curious about the world, awake, interacting with you, hungry and eager for food? Gaining weight, soiling nappies? Before we assume it's just a case of being a slow eater, we also need to make sure baby's development is progressing normally and healthily. If you have any doubts, go have a well baby visit.

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Bumblebzz 18 yrs ago
Thks everyone..& Matilda too.

I'm definately waiting until the recommended time to give him worries.

It's funny though the advice friends will give you in regards to that..."I started putting rice cereal in my childs formula at 3mths becuase he was colicky, and he slept through the night! should try that too" etc.

Funny enough her kid is allergic to everything now.

My baby is'nt colicky, so I don't even know why she'd suggest it.

Anyway, in regards to the going to the level 2 teat, I've tried it now (for 2 days), and feel he may not be ready for it.

It only seemed to cut his feed time to 45 minutes, & a bit ends up dribbling outside his mouth.

He's very healthy (just took him to his Dr. 3 days ago) and he's in his percentile for weight, height etc.

He was born 3 wks early, and weighed 7 lbs 10 ozs. . He's now 8 wks and weighs almost 12 lbs.

Drinking 23-26 ozs per day on the #1 teat...which I understand to be in his range for his current weight.

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coquinne 18 yrs ago
my little girl is now 9 days old on bottle as well. we use avent teats number 1, so far no problems yet as for leakage and colics. I've noticed though she has two ways of sucking, one that can last forever ( I stop the feed whenever she uses number 1). Number 2 w/c she can finish 2oz in 10-15mins.

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