7 months with bronchitis

Posted by Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
you poor thing, i know how you feel! i went through this recently and created a thread about it with some suggestions from other mums:


have to say though, one of the suggestions was making up a drink that includes honey..my mum said she fed me honey as a baby but now they warn against giving it to babies below one because of infant botulism so you might want to be careful.

take care!

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tigger64 18 yrs ago
Mine had bronchiolitis at about the same age. It wasn't a cure, but I found that putting his cot up on an angle so his head was higher than his feet made a big difference.

I just put books under the two top legs - about 6 inches worth (a useful job for all those baby books I had!)

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Kimmi 18 yrs ago
I know exactly what you are going through. My baby boy had bronchilitis at 3 months, it was such a shock for us, but thanks to a great Doctor: Dr Alfred Tam and a stay in the Canossa Hospital he recovered pretty well. I dont think there is anything you can really do to speed up your babies recovery. All I did was breastfeed lots more, gave extra cuddles and kisses and carried him constantly in his sling. This isnt for evryone but worked for us. Best of luck and try not to stress too much.

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Janey88 18 yrs ago
My LO had bronchitis at 7 months too. I was feeding baby formula milk, so the doc advised to slightly dilute the formula (ie 4 - 5 scoops to 6 oz water) as apparently milk causes more phylem. Chinese also believe that when you have a cough try not to eat too many sweet foods ie oranges. To help loosen the phylem, you can place your LO on your lap slightly tilting forward and gently pat the two sides of her back. Also give your baby plently of fluids and lots of rest.

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Meiguoren 18 yrs ago
A humidifier in the room might help keep lung secretions wetter (not dried up and thick) so they come up more easily when she coughs. Push fluids and liquids to drink, especially warm ones. An expectorant like mucosalvan or guaifenisinen (robitissin) in appropriate dose to thin secretions. Also, a bit of pulmonary respiratory therapy -- basically thump on her back making a good thunk thunk sound, in the vicinity of her lungs, for several minutes at a time (doctor can show you how) -- will shake the secretions loose from inside the lungs and help her expel a bit more easily when she coughs. Assume that if it's bronchitis she is on antibiotics, be sure to give the full course so all the germs are gone before you stop. Otherwise you can cultivate a resistant strain that is much harder to treat. Doubt if the medicine made her worse, prob better to think that you caught it just in time. Oh, somebody else mentioned honey. Botulism is a real concern so be really careful -- it takes a rolling boil of at least five minutes to kill botulism spores that otherwise can grow in the infant gut and (in worst case scenario) cause death.

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