Baby spits out milk

Posted by alvineki 18 yrs ago
My 2 weeks' old baby is currently doing fine but I have noticed in the last 2 days after feeding she will spit out milk, kind of like milk that can't get into her system and thus an 'outflow'. Any major concerns? How can I prevent that? Thanks.

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spicegal 18 yrs ago
Congratulations!! And welcome to the world of being parents in Guangzhou!

My baby was exactly the same - after every feed, and sometimes an hour or two later she would spit up, and LOTS of it - some babies do... it's usually nothing to worry about unless your baby doesn't put weight on. Provided the baby is healthy I've heard it described as more of a laundry problem than a baby problem. Is your baby breast or formula fed. If breast then she will be taking all she needs and what she gets rid of us probably just a little extra.

We could not leave the flat without spare cloths, clothes, bibs etc for the first 6 months - once she was on solids it's 99% stopped. I felt horribly frustrated though because I felt she was wasting all that good milk. Some babies just do that though....

Good luck

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Meiguoren 18 yrs ago
My first baby did this. One time it came out so hard, it hit the wall behind the chair where I was rocking her, about three feet back! I read all about "projectile vomiting" and made a panicked call to the pediatrician. His first question was whether the baby seemed to be in distress. No, she was not, it was MOMMY in distress, not baby! All was okay, she just ate more than her tiny tummy wanted to hold! Answer for me was smaller, more frequent feedings, and not to switch sides so quickly. Ruth gives a lot of great suggestions, but bottom line is that if baby is gaining and is not distressed, if everything else is okay, don't worry.

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alvineki 18 yrs ago
Thanks for the replies. As I've told Ruth, can't blame a first-timer!

Oh, by the way, we intend to have a baby celebration sometime in Nov, GZ mothers are welcome! PM me for details.

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Matilda 18 yrs ago
Many babies do possett or spit up milk. It is usually due to the immature muscle at the top of the tummy which is not tight enough to keep the milk down. Keeping your baby upright for awhile after feeding may help.

This situation usually improves with time and maturity. If your baby is thriving, gaining weight well and has no signs of illness, it is generally not a concern.

Well Baby Clinic - 2849 1500

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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