lumpy but not finger foods?

Posted by Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
my boy is now 8 months and has teeth!!

he has been eating lumpy and chunky foods for a month, especially stuff like mangoes and bananas. i puree his food still but even if there is abit of a sweet potato chunk, he eats it.

but when i try to offer and encourage him to pick the food up himself (for example chunks of bananas in a bowl or his highchair table), he does not know what to do - he either picks them up and squashes it or he will put his whole face on the bowl or plate. but if i place the chunk on a spoon or pick it up with my hands to feed him, he will happily take it.

any suggestions or ideas on how to encourage finger foods and what types as well? thanks!

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crj 18 yrs ago
If he eats the chunky food wihtout gagging and throwing up - just keep trying with the finger food and he will eventually get it.

Start with soft stuff he can mash between his gums - like the mango and banana. Don't introduce hard/crunchy stuff until later.

Our baby still throws up when he eats chunks or finger food!!! (the problem is, now he does like to put it in his mouth, then throws up!)

Here is a really good list of finger food ideas:

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
hubby thinks the finger food thing is not successful yet because of the type of foods i give him - slippery stuff like mangoes and bananas! what do you think of bread? although i am not sure if the usual toast we eat is ok for baby?

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crj 18 yrs ago
My friend swore by whole wheat (without seeds) toast with a bit of butter, her baby loved it... She sliced it into strips.

(mine of couse... yeah, you guessed it!)

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
we will probably try that soon....

i can't believe how fast this is all happening!

crj, you're back on this forum, i take it that your china trip with baby and jar food went well?

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