help! my son wakes up at 4.30am,,,,

Posted by suem 14 yrs ago
In the last 4 nights my son (8months) wakes up at 4.30am, he's been sick (diarrea) but in the last 3 days he's fine. We gave him milk but last night just drunk 100ml and couldn't be back to sleep until 5.45am. Before he was very good , waking up at @ 7.30am,,,,Also we notice that during the day he doesn't sleep much either,,,,Tonight I'm thinking to leave him cry , no milk , no cuddle him,,,,Any suggestion/comment?

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axptguy38 14 yrs ago
Well, it has only been four nights. Give it time. Also he was just sick.

Once you've checked that he hasn't pooped in the diaper, give him a nice pat and a quiet word but don't pick him up, then go back out. Wait 6 minutes, then repeat.

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Slammy 14 yrs ago
Hi there,

Yes, poor baby has been sick. Don't make him suffer by crying for a long time, with no cuddles!

If you search the threads here, you will see lots of advice (some from Axptguy38) about how to use the cry it out method - which is basically not letting them cry for very long, especially young babies...

But I would say, if you can manage with little sleep, just wait a few days and see if he gets back to his old routine, as he's just been sick.

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momnew2hk 14 yrs ago
I had a similar experience when my son was around 7-8 moths old. Suddenly he was waking up many times during the night and that was driving me crazy! It was because he was teething. I would give him milk and put him to sleep. He was back to normal after about two weeks. I think you should be a little more patient with your baby specially because he is recovering.

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jallore 14 yrs ago
It took my baby 1-2 weeks to get back to `normal` after he was sick. I think they just get used to waking up, and perhaps your baby is not 100% well yet since it`s only been a few days.

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