Eyelash extensions - need more help!!

Posted by TTD 14 yrs ago
Hi - I did the research here and had the eyelash extensions done almost 2 mths ago - they looked great though I just need to ask some more questions and see if there are any more good recommendations!

My eyelashes were 'individuals' which when they fell out looked like a couple of lashes 'stacked' and attached to the original eyelash by a knot and adhesive. This did give a good effect but when they naturally fell out it was quite noticeable and the 'knot' was irritating on my left eye for quite a while. I've read that you should only have 'single ' lashes attached not 'individuals which seem to be 3 or so lashes in a stack' and which can be quite heavy and thus can in my case cause a little bald patch until the new ones grow (which seem to be taking forever!)

I wasn't told at the time about the need for refills but this seems to be necessary - is it still safe to continue having the extensions?

Any more good recommendations as to where I can get 'single' lashes attached.

Thanks again!!!

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chillifontain 14 yrs ago
Hi, I have tried different eye lashes extension. The best one is KP which is located near Lan Kwai Fong (covermark) and TST. All staff were trainned in Japan. They put single eyelash on one real eyelash so when it came off, u can't really notice. HK$900 including one free refill in a month time so it means only HK$450 per month. I would highly recommend this. If any girls wanna see mine, i'm happy to meet up to show you!!

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chillifontain 14 yrs ago
By the way, when i was in the shop, there was a japanese girl and she said Japan KP shop is very popular and need to book few months in advance!! She always gets it done in HK when she's here!!!

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