Toddler that is not sleeping through the night

Posted by Joanna2006 18 yrs ago
Help! Am i the only mother with a 19 month old boy who still doesn't sleep through the night??!! my friends' kids are all sleeping through the night, but not my son. He goes to bed at 9.30 pm and he will often wakes up at 5.30am for a feed, and went back to sleep till 7.30 am. personally i dont mind getting up at 5am to give him a feed, but my friends have been bombarding me saying that this is not normal and that he shouldn't get his feed at 5 in the morning. is it really that bad?? what's the big deal anyway? i just want to know if this is really bad for him, if it is, i guess i will have to do something about it. otherwise, i will just continue on and hoping that one day he will just grow out of it. please give me your honest opinion. thank you.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
no you are not alone. my good friend has a 22 month old who wakes up twice a night for milk. she used to not mind but with a 5 month old baby to look after now, she is really struggling.

if you need a good reason to be firm about weaning your kid off the bottle, i've been told that night feeds when they have milk teeth is bad...because you don't get a chance to clean their teeth as they usually fall back to sleep. not sure how true!

good luck!

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Kimmi 18 yrs ago
You do whats OK for you and your family. You will always get others and their comments saying it's not good etc,etc. If you are happy with what you are doing, continue, if you are not then maybe think about trying to do something about it. Look I have a 4 year old that still wanders into my bed at night and I have a 4 mth baby that sleeps with me, Im still breastfeeding him 2-3 times during the night and he wakes between 4-5am ready for the day. We happy with it so I just go with the flow. Others wouldnt be able to stand it. You just do whats right for you. Good Luck

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mrsl 18 yrs ago
Agree with the above. My 19 month old wakes at least once a night (usually at a much less sociable 2am). I would LOVE to get a full night of sleep, but cannot bear to let him cry. Went through the same thing with my daughter, and at some point sge snapped out of it and now sleeps through virtually anything. Know the day will come with him too. Hopefully it will happen sometime before he becomes a teenager that I cannot wake up before lunch.

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Joanna2006 18 yrs ago
thanks everyone. i am so relieved to read that my son is 'normal'. frankly speaking i hate to put him through the crying it out unless i really have to. thanks everyone. you just did a great favour for my son.

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@@ 18 yrs ago
Agree with all that has been said above - do what works for you.

If you do want to do something about it then perhaps try waiting 10 minutes each day at the 5am feed, over the course of a few weeks you might be able to drag it out to 6am and so on.

I have done this my children and it has worked very well.

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