How best to carry a newborn

Posted by mayafox 18 yrs ago
I am sure this will be covered in my antenatal class, but how did you moms carry your newborns? I am talking about from day one, when they are so tiny they probably don't fit into a Baby Bjorn and look tiny in a carseat. Also, our little one is due in August, so how do I make sure the baby is secure and supported, but not overheated?

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crj 18 yrs ago
I sooooo wish I had a 'stretchy' pouch or sling from day one - like the ones sold at KangarooKorner...

I had a pouch from MayaWrap which was great, but I think stretchy would be better.

Now I use TaylorMadeSling, but also have a ZoloWear which has more stretch - stretch is great!

For taxi's I used the car seat when he was very small as it is safest and he didn't fit in baby bjorn.

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mayafox 18 yrs ago
Crj, do the slings offer enough support for a tiny newborn? For instance, are their necks adequately supported?

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Perthites 18 yrs ago
i had a capsual which fitted onto my pram. We took the capsual to the hospital with us so on the journey home she was nice and safe while we were in the taxi. The capsual secured to the seat using the taxis seatbelt. I didn't like the BB and found that i still had to support her head when i used it as her head still flopped around. I can still use my capsual for another few months as the limit is 9kgs and she's now 7kg. I love the capsual as i know she's safe when i'm travelling.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
An infant carseat should be used at matter how tiny they look in it, it is the safest option. the baby will find it quite warm as they grow bigger (due to the insulation to cushion crash impact), but at newborn stage, we want to keep them nice and warm anyway!

I only used baby bjorn after the baby weighed more than 3.2kg, which was what it recommended. i like the baby bjorn as i find it safer than a sling andd when the baby's neck is stronger, the front facing option is great if you have a curious little one like mine!

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mayafox 18 yrs ago
I am planning to use a capsule on the way home from the hospital, too. Is this the best way to go out with the little one (e.g. to the doctor's or round to my parents' house) until they are big enough to go in a sling / carrier?

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crj 18 yrs ago
a brand new newborn can go in a pouch or sling, our baby loved it just like being back 'inside'.

They sort of lay down/curl up inside, and look very snug and cute.

Only now that he has head support we have him in other positions.

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mayafox 18 yrs ago
AWW!! Crj, for some reason, your description of how the baby curls up inside the sling brought tears to my eyes... Can't wait to meet my baby!

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crj 18 yrs ago
oh, you _are_ pregnant ha ha

That first moment, when they put him on my tummy/chest in the hospital... still brings tears to my eyes!

the fun thing for us about the sling has been that while he curled up like back 'inside' as a newborn, now he faces in or our or lays down to nap, there are just so many different ways to carry him and he seems to love them all.

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mayafox 18 yrs ago
Tell me about it! I am having such a pregnant day... From making a weekend shopping list for the nursery to fussing about strollers and slings, I've been through it all today!

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
i actually bought a sling but it felt so insecure, i decided not to use it. but i have seen newborns in it and it looks really sweet.....

i didn't cry the first time i saw the bub because i was high as a kite on epidural...

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cd 18 yrs ago
My last 2 used the sling from newborn. The first 2 went in a pram, and the 3rd in a fully reclined pushchaire. The first 3 not in HK.....

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Meiguoren 18 yrs ago
Agree with Ruth -- if the baby feels looks or feels insecure in a sling, get someone to help you. My little ones loved it and so did I. I confess I did often keep a hand on the edge if I were leaning somewhere. I also used a tiny little newborn sized pillow behind the back of my baby inside the sling when it looked like she was scrunched too much as a newborn. Another plus of the sling was that it was great for very discrete nursing.

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mayafox 18 yrs ago
Yes, having spent yesterday trying on slings with a stuffed dog and a pregnant belly, I think I will definitely need to try them again under supervision once the baby's born before I decide what works for us!

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Sylvieng 18 yrs ago
Well, I'm organizing babywearing workshops. I show all the baby carriers that I have (that I sell or not) and explain the pros and cos as I see them.

It looks like there is plenty baby wearers here, it would be a lot more fun if other baby wearers could come to talk about their own carriers too :-)

Just email me for info :

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Meiguoren 18 yrs ago
Shopping will be a bit more of a challenge after baby is here. When I shopped, there was just one option so it was a bit more simple. My sling was a Dr. Sears Baby Carrier which has a tiny built in pillow and big, thick padding on the sides. You will also want nice thick padding on the shoulder (for comfort) and very adjustable shoulder strap (to adjust the length as baby grows, and then you actually cinch it tighter after baby is sitting up and you support his back). Anyway, I suggest you bite the bullet and purchase one now just because it will be so much harder to shop later, and hopefully get an agreement that if it doesn't work (after you try it out with baby) they will take it back, then tape the receipt onto the box and leave it there until you try it out with baby. It's also a great thing to ask for as a baby gift, if someone wants to know what you want.

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mayafox 18 yrs ago
Sylvie, I would definitely be interested in your babywearing workshop. I have been given a Baby Bjorn as a gift, so I guess I will always have that as a backup if things get too hectic once the baby arrives.

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didy 18 yrs ago
Sylvie: I'd definitely be happy to join your workshop. I have worn my baby extensively in the past 8 months. I have a German didymos and a kangaroo korner adjustable fleece pouch. I may be able to convince friends with other types of carriers to come and show other mothers the positioning of the baby and pros and cons of different types of carriers, etc. etc.

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Sylvieng 18 yrs ago
mayafox, didy, and anyone else interested, you can email me :, so we can work out the details ;-)

It's going to be fun !

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mayafox 18 yrs ago
Sylvie, are you running another baby wearing workshop anytime soon?

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Kimmi 18 yrs ago
The MAYA WRAP comes with a really good demo DVD. You can practice with a doll before you put your bub in it. My boy has loved his sling from day 1. It always settles him. Helped us through colic and now teething.

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Nappypooh 18 yrs ago

Yes, I have a workshop this friday actually :-)

I'm sorry I am not allowed to post here anymore to keep you inform, so you can have a look at the "What's on" section here, or of course my website.

Thank you and hope to see you soon!

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Nappypooh 18 yrs ago
Reallynonowt, I think that you are confusing me with somebody else. ;-)

I actually never did own a Bjorn. 8-)

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soulsister 18 yrs ago
Where can i buy a sling in HK?

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soulsister 18 yrs ago
Thanks Ruth

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crj 18 yrs ago
If LLL is sold out, you can order online. Do research slings on

I have a Maya Pouch, Zolo Sling and Taylor Made organic cotton mesh sling and a solavail.

The solavail is the least comfortable, the taylor made cotton mesh is the coolest, the maya pouch the hottest, the Zolowear the most comfortable, but a bit hot.

Also research sling on this thread and the pregnancy thread for other info.

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Nappypooh 18 yrs ago
If you are looking for the Maya Sling online, you can also find it in Hong Kong on as we help the HK LLL to sell them. Of course, we take no commission on it, it is just our small way in supporting them.

Thank you.

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