breastfeeding recipes pls

Posted by ishigawa 18 yrs ago
Drumsticks and good leafy vegetables are good for lactation.

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Taps 18 yrs ago
Is your mom a Filipina, she would know about the magic of Filipino-style chicken soup.

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Meiguoren 18 yrs ago
I have to agree with Ruth! Milk is produced from whatever nutrients are circulating inside your blood. It takes just good nutrition and plenty of fluid (be sure to drink a lot of water)! When your baby is first born, don't expect there to be milk, but BF anyway every hour and a half or so. For a few days, your body will produce colostrum which is extremely valuable for baby. Then, on about day 3, your breasts will become flooded with enough milk for twins! Because, your body will make enough for twins at first! The trick is to keep from getting too full and engorged, to keep the nipple soft enough for the tiny baby to latch on with his weak little mouth. Use hot compresses, express a bit, and don't worry about "wasting" milk -- there is always plenty! (A home remedy for engorged breasts is compresses made with steamed cabbage leaves!) BEWARE that lots of people who say they "couldn't" breastfeed really just didn't WANT to breastfeed or else didn't get enough information, but they say they couldn't because it's more socially acceptable than just saying "I don't want to." Almost any woman can breastfeed if she wants to, although some things like inverted nipples might make it a bit more of a challenge. As Ruth says, LLL is an invaluable support. BF is not just about reading in a book, it's a way of mothering that is best learned from other mothers. Often our own mothers and friends didn't BF and so can't help, and that's where LLL becomes your best source of support. The other mothers and leaders in LLL will provide your most valuable resource for successful BF, plus friendship and support. Cheers and many wishes for happiness with your tiny little new one! Oh, one final thing to beware about . . . hate to say it but . . . most doctors have so little training in BF that they do more harm than good. A study in the USA once showed that the most significant factor in whether a pediatrician had a lot of successful BF mothers in his practice was not related to his medical training, but whether his own WIFE successfully BF! So, it's really worth it to make it to an LLL meeting! And don't worry, just eat healthy and as Ruth says, make sure the baby gets a good latch.

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ranjv 18 yrs ago
Hi,I am a new entrant.But as someone who has breasfed my kids esp my second one for long ..I guess I can give you some tips.A good amt of garlic and spinach intake in your diet really works when you need to ensure that the baby gets enough...Do try it out

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