Being blackmailed by P/T FDH

Posted by sampaguita 10 yrs ago
What is the reason she will use to blackmail you... that you hire a FDH partime which is illegal.. You can tell the same thing to her.. Tell her if you persue this case to the Police she will be in trouble than you because she has to spend time in the Police Station giving statement. She will have record in the Immigraiton. You can sue her and her employer that they are making false story about you and that they damage your reputation..

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Designmgr 10 yrs ago
Your not telling rhe whole don't look for advise.

A part time DH wouldn't dare go to the authorities because p/t is illegal. So if they did, it would befor a criminal matter only..somehing that outweighs the automatic revocation of their visa and deportation.

Next topic.

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Designmgr 10 yrs ago
That's nothing.

You can transfer money to anyone anytime. There is no record that you transferred it for any 'services rendered'. It was a donation or gift. Done.

Now if she approaches you, tell her to that you are more than willing to accompany her to the police station to intervene or mitigate any issues. She will refuse...then you tell her if she contacts you again, you will go on your own to make a harassment claim against her. And yes, you know her previous employer, so her visa details are known.

(I'm assuming of course that you owe her nothing at this point..and there are no other issues of a personal nature outstanding).

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Designmgr 10 yrs ago
If she says you employed her illegally..

...your defence: I was approached by someone who gave a freference and said they were legal to work. I paid them for a few hours of cleaning. I had no idea they misrepresented themselves, and as I had no experience with DH's at that time, I was unaware of the strict guidelines imposed by their particular visa type. As soon as I learned of their visa requirements, I immediately terminated this part time worker.

Or say nothing at all.

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Spitfire 10 yrs ago
Many years ago, I, too, was blackmailed by a part timer whose contract I stupidly signed. She took me to the labour dept on some trumped charges when I did not renew her contract. . I wasted many monts fighting a case. This nasty cunning piece of work (Filipina) had been working in HK far longer than I have been here and knows all the tricks. She approached me and said she had lots of part time work and was happy to work for me for half the statutory minimum wage. She got airfare out of me plus paid holidays although she was my part timer. I still keep the papers from this court case. In fact I have a good mind to blog this and warn others. She went through all my personal correspondence and sent an anonymous letter to my then boyfriend in the States claiming I had Aids and was after him for his money. Make no mistake. They can be very cunning particularly when ENVY rears its UGLY head.

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Alexandra 10 yrs ago
I had a similar experience minus the anonymous letter. A truly horrible time. I initially signed her contract because her mother whom I had known, begged me to get her daughter into Hong Kong. Took months to sort out after she reported me to immigration and the labour tribunal when I wouldnt meet her demands telling me I had more to lose than her.

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lasez 10 yrs ago
Thanks for sharing as we always hear about how employers "abused" their helpers. Seldom hear stories of how helpers trap/trick their employers. There was a case I heard where the helper had a medical condition and came to HK basically to get treated, at the expense of her employer of course.

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firehorse 10 yrs ago
be careful when HK long timers foreigners approach you offering their helper for part time work no matter how friendly they seem, they sign contract for these dishonest filipinas than look for kind hearted idiots to employ them as part-time helpers, the filipinas are allowed to rip off the P/P employer with the blessing of the low life boss. They don't pay their wages and they get the helper to work for them for free than they simply find stupid expats to pay for their salary.

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firehorse 10 yrs ago
Yeah they can be very nasty, but be careful when foreigners approach offering their helper for part time work, these foreigners are even nastier, usually these are foreigner women who live as parasites in HK, they are losers who have no jobs and simply live out of some other low life guy. They sign contract for the filipina and than find kind hearted idiots to employ them as p/t, the helper will go into the house and mess it up to her pleasure and if p/t employer complaints they give the ultimatum. They don't pay the helper and they get free service by just ensuring the dishonest filipina always have a stupid foreigner to pay for them. So be careful don't employ p/t and if you do pay them cash, never make bank transfer and never give them your house keys. Better live in a dirty house than to live with dirty people.

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