Spoon for Baby to Hold

Posted by asking 18 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can get a plastic baby feeding spoon that is small enough for my LO to hold whilst I am feeding her?

She likes to grab the spoon and I want to give her one to hold. I org gave her one of the ones I use but the handle is too long and she pokes herself in the eye and hurts her mouth


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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
ours LOVES the spoon that i bought as part of weaning set from mothercare. it's very very soft so he enjoys chomping on it. and it's less likely to hurt the baby as the end of the spoon is round.

i actually have a few of the avent spoons but it's a big no for him, colour doesn't excite him (it's white) and the tip is quite sharp.

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crj 18 yrs ago
We have one that is red and yellow, and the spoon changes colour if it is too hot - yes a gimic, but he loves the shape and it easily fits into his mouth and hand. We have a spoon that is a tiny bit wider and he doesn't like it.

we know when the spoon is just turing yellow it is perfect temperature for him - if it is totally yellow it is way too hot, so although a gimic, it is kinda good :)

But the point is he prefers a skinny narrow spoon. The spoons above are wide, so every baby is really different and will just get used to whatever you give them :)

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