The Hairdressers

Posted by angeluv88 18 yrs ago
Has anyone had any experience with the hair salon The Hairdressers? Looking for the best person to cut, and a colourist. Will only go to someone who is highly experienced. Any comments appreciated. Thanks!

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D-Man 18 yrs ago
angeluv88, (love the handle) thanks for the enquiery into The Hairdressers. I might not be the best person to respond to this as i work at THD but I would like to say we have a fantastic team of stylists here and it would be hard to put one above the other. We do have different grade stylists such as our Young Design Team, our Senior Stylists and our Art Director (thats me). I have been in this industry for 22 years myself and can tell you this team are great. I can offer you a specific stylist if I know more about your hair or you are welcome to come in for a free consultaion to see if you are comfortable. Let me know if I can help any further.

chat noir, we have a couple of stylist who do straighenings all the time. I can recamend Chiga, Chris, Bach or Cynthia as they do dozens of straightenings and do them very well.

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Ed 18 yrs ago
Please do not spam our forums with promotions when someone is asking a specific question about a hairdresser on here. I just deleted and banned someone for doing this.

If this continues we will consider all comments about hairdressers to be spam and we will delete them in the future.

We have already removed the Finance Forum because of similar issues.

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angeluv 18 yrs ago
Thanks D-Man for your response. I would like to come by and have a consultation with you and check out the salon. I am very particular about my hair and am looking for someone who is professional and very particular too! I have been to several salons here in HK and have not been wowed yet. How much do you charge for a cut and fullhead highlights? Thanks!

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D-Man 18 yrs ago
angeluv, you are very welcome to come by for a chat. My price range is the highest in the salon being $750 for a cut and up to $1850 for a full set of highlights. I am definately a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to the coloring as I do alot of color correction here in HK and find the quality of color work out there often quite discracefull. Our number is 29730512 if you would like to make some time for your consultation.

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D-Man 18 yrs ago
ED, interesting how Cynpress is answering on behalf of a certain hairdressers but also posting as a client of the same hairdresser. Seems a little odd or maybe they just didnt realise what identity they were loged in with.

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Ed 18 yrs ago

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teenytiny 18 yrs ago
I've been going to Oliver since I was very young. He's the best, and such a sweetheart. He's so good, I'm torn between recommending him and keeping him free to cut my hair.

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clueless 18 yrs ago
I went to Evolution....highly recommend them. I was very nervouys at first. Expensive but worth it

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btd 18 yrs ago
i have used douglas lil, and was totally satisfied with the subtle haircolour he gave me. Christina at Hipp Fish has always given me some funky contrast colour- I heard the O2 on Wyndam is fantastic, and my favourite is Doey, I follow him where ever he is- so far, I've only been to HD once, many years ago,> and fours years of hair growth was cut off in a matter of half an hour- i felt like a grandma with a mullet...:)

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angeluv 18 yrs ago
Thank you everyone for the responses - greatly appreciated.

In the end I went for a consultation with the Art Director at The Hairdressers and made an appointment for cut and highlights. Turned out great! Feels and looks much better than what I've experienced from other hairdressers here in HK. So far so good!

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