Oh No! Whooping Cough Outbreak Hits The Vaccinated

Posted by exyogi 12 yrs ago

I wonder what the pro-vaccinate people have to say about this?

" .... The majority of the students who have been infected with whooping cough had been immunized ...."


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exyogi 12 yrs ago


"they say that the children who WERE vaccinated have developed a MILDER condition than those who WERE NOT vaccinated."

So I guess the vaccination sales pitch has changed from ---- {Vaccines PREVENT measles, mumps, flu, whooping cough, HPV, etc, etc, etc,}

to .....

{Vaccines allows you to get MILDER cases of measles, mumps, flu, whooping cough, HPV, etc, etc, etc, etc}

"they are recommending every child get vaccinated...."

If the majority of the people getting whooping cough have been vaccinated, WHAT SENSE DOES IT MAKE TO GET VACCINATED? Duuuuuuuuuh!

" ... the most at risk for DEATH are the babies who are not fully vaccinated yet."

And this claim should be believed because ........

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turtle1 12 yrs ago

why do you choose to be so confrontational? your post seems to taunt other parents who choose to vaccinate their children - you're entitled to your opinion as is everyone else, parents who choose to vaccinate their kids aren't evil or stupid and those who don't believe in vaccinations aren't negligent - it's a CHOICE

my son has been vaccinated and i certainly don't feel i need to justify my choice to someone like yourself

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exyogi 12 yrs ago


"most educated people, look at the hundreds of thousands who have NOT gotten sick, or have gotten sick but only contracted a milder form of the disease and choose to play the million to one odds of a negative reaction and get our kids vaccinated."

Thank you so much for FINALLY admitting that vaccinations are nothing but a game of chance. It's a game of 'Vaccine-Russian-Roulette' where you don't know what will happen when you get that shot.

Sometimes you win .............. sometimes you loose.

These people lost ....



..... but hey, as long as it wasn't YOU or YOUR children, life is good, right?

For all those "un-educated" people who don't want to play the 'Vaccine-Russian-Roulette' game ......... mega-dosages of vitamin C and D are safer, more effective, less expensive, AND, self-administered.

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exyogi 12 yrs ago


Is the glass with wine in it half empty or half full?

"why do you choose to be so confrontational? your post seems to taunt other parents who choose to vaccinate their children"

Yes, that's one way of looking at my posts.

Here's a different way of looking at them .....

I provide an alternative view to people --- like mamainhk --- who may be searching for information so that they can make an informed decision.

Is the glass with wine in it half empty or half full? Turtle1, you've indicated which you think it is.

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cookie09 12 yrs ago
don't feed the troll. and if you don't believe he is a troll, make a search for some of his other posts

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exyogi 12 yrs ago

"New research reported by Reuters reveals that whooping cough outbreaks are HIGHER among vaccinated children compared with unvaccinated children. This is based on a study led by Dr. David Witt, an infectious disease specialist at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Rafael, California."


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exyogi 12 yrs ago

There’s now an outbreak of Whooping Cough in Washington state where 74% of the cases involve vaccinated kids! Health Officials are urging the public to “get vaccinated” ----- LOL!!!! So ridiculous!!!!


Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., reported outstanding clinical success in treating diphtheria with vitamin C. The following excerpt is about just one of his case studies .......

“Klenner (1971) also reported on three children living in the same neighborhood with nasal diphtheria, which specifically effects the nasal lining and produces a characteristic bloody discharge from the nose. In nasal diphtheria the membrane will develop in this area rather than in the throat. All three children had different doctors. The little girl under Klenner’s care was given 10,000 mg of vitamin C as a slow intravenous “push” with a 50cc syringe every eight hours for the first 24 hours and then every 12 hours for two more doses. Following this she was given 1,000 mg of vitamin C every two hours by mouth. Klenner also notes that a 40,000-unit dose of antitoxin was injected into the little girls’ abdomen. The other two children received the antitoxin as well, but they did not receive any vitamin C. They both died but Klenner’s patient survived, later becoming a nurse.”

The above excerpted from ‘Curing The Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins’ by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD pg. 116

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pnwxplant 10 yrs ago
Had to resurrect this one, as it is that time of year again.

Getting vaccinations saves lives by the thousands. Interpreting the evidence as supporting your viewpoint that vaccinations are 'ridiculous' is life threatening to you and especially to any children close to you.

Consider this - It is very simple --

Before pertussis vaccines became widely available in the 1940s, about 200,000 children got sick with it each year in the US and about 9,000 died as a result of the infection. Now we see about 10,000–40,000 cases reported each year and unfortunately about 10–20 deaths.

That means in the US alone there are 500,000 LESS DEAD CHILDREN than there would have been without the vaccination. 1/2 million babies would have died without this vaccination. 500K HUMANS are LIVING who would otherwise be DEAD.

Ridiculous is arguing with reality. Reality is in the results of what this vaccine has accomplished in terms of SAVING HUMAN LIFE.

The Report cited by Thomas Levy is not any kind of science. It is called an anecdotal report. Anecdotal reports are defined as 'not science'

Relying on important health information from 'anecdotal reports' (my mom did such and such and it worked for her, Whenever my friend has xxx she just does yyy and it always goes away, or DR so&so said he had this work for a patient) IS DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH AND TO OTHERS.

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exyogi 10 yrs ago


I noticed that with all your talk about science, you didn’t provide a single scientific reference supporting your claims about the alledge benefits of vaccinations. Without those references how are people to know that you’re not lying and making stuff up?


If vaccines are such a health boon to society why has the U.S. government paid out more than 2.5 BILLION dollars in compensation to vaccine injured families thru the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?



If vaccines are so safe and helpful to society, why do they call it the ..... National Vaccine INJURY Compensation Program?


With over 200 years of data from USA, Uk, and Australia, you can see in the mortality graphs that deaths from diseases were on a downward trend long before the introduction of vaccinations -- and yet vaccinations deceptively try to get credit for the downward trend.



Your dismissal of Dr. Levy’s citation with a feeble word definition is not very persuasive. Shouldn’t you be providing some scientific data for a more powerful dismissal?

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