switching formulas

Posted by neska 18 yrs ago
hi my bub has never been a big milk drinker, somedays it has to be forced down him, and he is pretty small for his age, so the question is, one do I cut back on solids, so he drinks more milk, or give him more solids to make up for not drinking enough milk, he is currently on formula for 0-6 months, he will be 6 months this week, when do I change him to formula for 6 moths plus, any advice will be app, as I dont find the nurses to helpful where we go for check ups. thank you

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Katetam 18 yrs ago
When your baby turns 6 month, you can go to the stage 2 formula intended for him. No need to switch slowly.

If he is eating good portions and healthy balanced solids, ensuring he's well hydrated with water or juice... then having more solids is good. Milk should be 4-5 times a day at his age.... but every child is different, as long as he's healthy, regular pee and poop, and happy, and sleeping well, don't worry too much !

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neska 18 yrs ago
thanks Katetam just wasnt sure if I should keep him on the 0-6 month formula beacuse he is very small,will start the next one today.

thank you for replying

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dizzydog 18 yrs ago
stage 2 can sometimes cause constipation due to the higher iron content though. stage 1 is good to drink for babies up to 12 mths.

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jen1812 18 yrs ago
Hi Neska,

My baby is on the small side too. She's adopted, so she already lacked breastmilk to begin with. Your description of your LO sounds almost exactly the same as mine. DD is 6mo and doesn't have an interest in her milk at all. It takes about 45 mins to finish a feed and when she manages to drink up all of 150ml, it's like such an accomplishment! She's still only taking about 120-150ml each feed despite the fact that the formula table recommends 210ml by her age! The only time she drinks her whole bottle of milk quickly within 15 minutes is her first feed of the day. After that it just goes downhill. I recently started her on some solids, though I'm still going slow at this point to check for any possible allergic reactions. My baby's birth weight was low (2.5kg) and she's now 6.3kg, and has been the same for the past 5-6 weeks. The doctor doesn't think it's a real concern though, since she's healthy, normal and very alert. It's just her weight that's in the bottom 10 percentile.

Dizzydog, I just switched to no.2 for formula last week. Should I change back to no. 1? I didn't know that babies could still stay on no.1 up to 12 mths.

Anyone else shares the same experience with small babies and/or not interested in milk?

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neska 18 yrs ago
hi jen1812

our littleones are the same weight, dont you just love that formula table everytime I make bubs a btl and read it I get a pang of guilt like im doing something wrong. still make 210ml for him, even though he will only drink around 120 but he might surpise me one day. like your little one bubs is alert and happy so I guess I shouldnt be worried, its just everytime I express my concerns to the nurse I get he should be ok, I have started adding alot of milk to his solids, just to bump his milk up.how isyour little one enjoying her solids.

thanks for the reply

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