need more solids?

Posted by Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
our 6 month old started solids at 5. since tuesday, he has been on 3 meals. i have noticed in the past week that he:

1) wakes up earlier about 6.30am (usually 7am)

2) seems to drink even more milk, especially for his bedtime feed (6.30pm) even after we introduced the 3rd meal at 5pm. he takes about 90ml of dream feed.

do the above signs point to a need to increase solids? if so, which meal to up first? i want to address his hunger BUT he doesn't drink much milk (even though it's more at bedtime, it's still only 500-600ml per day), i don't want to overfeed him solids such that he cuts down on his milk drastically.

he eats:

brekkie (about 7am): morning milk plus half a bowl of baby cereal mixed with fruit puree and milk

lunch (about 11.30am): milk feed plus half a bowl of vegetables puree mixed with some milk for smooth consistency.

dinner (5pm): 2 cubes of vegetable puree

i steam all his food so i am not using too much water...

any advice will be helpful, thanks!

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crj 18 yrs ago
Here is how we tell.

If we finish all the food, and he is still sitting there opening his mouth or looking hungry, we make more food and keep offering until he stops opening his mouth.

Yogurt is good for this, as it takes no preparation - so it is 'dessert' for every meal.

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katyw 18 yrs ago
I agree with Cri if he's still opening his mouth for more then you could try upping the amount of cubes you're giving him.

My son is 6.5 months too and was weaned at about the same time as your son 5 months. He eats the same as yours for breakfast but then for lunch and dinner he can eat up to 6 cubes plus dessert.

As for his early wakings. I did find that introducing protein helped alot with my sons sleep.


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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
thanks for the advice.

katyw, we have not introduced protein yet, the plan is to do it from 7 months (chicken and tofu first).

i am pretty sure he can put away 6 cubes for dinner but i am confused because i understand milk is still supposed to be the main source of nutrients and with him drinking only 500-600ml per day, i worry he will not take enough milk as i introduce more solids.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
there is a growth spurt at 6 months. My daughter eats about 4-6 cubes worth every meal. This morning she had 50 ml of yogurt, 1 banana for breakfast, lunch was 1/4 avocado and 50 ml tofu, dinner was 5 veggie cubes and she still had four milk feeds. she had two bottle feeds today and both were over 150 ml, although I can't tell you how much she ate for her breast feeds. I do know that her nighttime breastfeed was REALLy long and lots of active sucking - and so the upping the food intake doesn't seem to affect her as much.

Try the yogurt - I think it's great too.

My daughter wakes up at around 6:30ish but she happily plays in bed, turns on her fish aquarium and gurgles for about 45 minutes until I go get her.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
hkcc: i think he is definitely on a growth spurt. he takes just a few minutes to polish off his am milk - he usually takes at least 30 mins!!

we are going to try yoghurt soon. need some advice. according to super baby food, she said don't get those that say pasteurised cos that means all the good bacteria are dead. but isn't it safer to feed our babies pasteurised stuff for now?

mornings: i feed him at 7am but if he wakes up anytime after 6.30am, i leave him be to amuse himself in the cot as long as he doesn't cry.

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momx4 18 yrs ago
If he is polishing his milk off quickly you could also give him a more milk per bottle. I would recommend this before adding yogurt.

Active culture yogurt is best, but you should buy from a reputable company and no added sugar.

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crj 18 yrs ago
Yogurt - just be sure there is no added sugar or stuff like that.

We use Yeo Valley, Horizon (the one with the cow) and Dairy Farm (local HK branc) - just plain full fat yogurt.

Mornings: We go to our baby at 6:30, often he is awake and playing... we never go in before 6.30 unless he cries. I think he is cinfident that we will be there, so he just is happy to play and wait.

Sounds like it is the same for you and you have nothing to worry about :)

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Matilda 18 yrs ago
Babies often have another growth spurt around 6 months so your baby may need more food. 600 to 700 ml of milk is a normal amount, however, you may want to introduce a protein source such as meat and lentils. Chicken is an excellent source of protein for muscle development and energy. Red meat is the richest source of iron.

Well Baby Clinic - 2849 1500

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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