Epic tale of love and dumping

Posted by gweimui 18 yrs ago
I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half. It started out light hearted on my part but as he began to get increasingly seious about us I became more and more worried: I realised that although he has a lot of positive attributes, he's not really the one for me and I'm more attracted to other people. I tried to break up with him, and initially he said that he needed some time to readjust before we broke off completely. I agreed, but time went on and things went back to how they were before. I brought up the issue again, but we just ended up having a big argument and he made me feel so guilty I dropped the subject.

This has happened a few times now and I feel really really trapped because I am the kind of person who finds it extremely hard to be assertive or confrontational. I've been honest about my feelings with my boyfriend, but he says that I need him and don't realise it. A big problem is that we hang around in the same places and I don't want to change my friends or my lifestyle. I told him that I could see myself cheating on him if he refused to split up, and that's probably what's going to end up happening at this rate. A lot of people don't get why I don't "just dump him".

Has anyone else been in this situation before or is it just me?

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jodiwhite 18 yrs ago
hey girl I used to have a man that would make me feel insecure about  leaving him.  Except the problem is...I eventually married and then divorced him.  These men are control freaks and its best to get out early.   Hey.....if you're bored after you've dropped the guy,  drop me an email.  I will be moving to Hong Kong and always looking for the strong willed girl who's realized she can find someone better to be a new good friend whom I admire!!!

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juji 18 yrs ago
Hey miss Jodi!

I just posted you a message about brunch on sunday. send me an email.

as for your message above:

Someone who tells you "you need them" are very insecure and are trying to control him.

The thing is, I think you are conflicted becuase you don't want him but you don't want to give something up and are not sure you are going to gain something new.

Am I going to meet someone new? What if I don't? What if I don't meet someone better? What if I loose friends?

Well, if you loose friends they weren't really yours to start off with.

We are old enough now to share the same bar with out ex-boyfriend and as they say 'as one door opens - another one closes' .. sorry thats the other way around. you will meet new fantastic people and guys if you get rid of the one you don't want. or make a decision to want him and stay.

Limbo will give you a bad back.

give something up but you will get a lot more in return.

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