comfort sucking

Posted by ellie55 18 yrs ago
way to late -my LO discovered the joy of comfort sucking from my breast and dislike everything else,eg pacifier,fingers etc,even teats.

i have got a problem-how do i stop the sucking at nites?anyone any ideas?is driving me to lack of sleep..:))

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Matilda 18 yrs ago
Many babies enjoy comfort sucking , especially at night.

This may happen more commonly during a growth spurt and is a way for the baby to get extra breast milk he/she needs and increase the mothers milk supply .

To help Mums during this demanding time extra rest during the day and a good diet are very helpful .

We would be more than happy to answer any furthur qestions you have.

Well Baby Clinic - 2849 1500

Matilda International hospital

Hong Kong

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