How do you keep a child's first art works?

Posted by Katetam 18 yrs ago
Hi Moms and Dads,

I am looking for information and advice on what to do with my daughter's first art works... she's taking art lessons, and we love her paintings, and drawings... one a week.... but with HK's humidity, and heat... and also just for long term purposes, how do you keep your kid's art works so that we can still take them out to look at years from now? I don't want it to be framed b/c it's too many to do, and no place to put them.

What to do, and where to do it? And prefer an inexpensive way too... thanks!

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@@ 18 yrs ago
Ruth, that's a brilliant idea!

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
my friend got one of the file books - you can pick them up in any stationery store - and you can slip the art in there - they'd be protected by the plastic film and yet easy to flip through. sometimes the artwork was too big and then she'd be stuck, but for the most part, she did all right with the file book.

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dsabline 18 yrs ago
I've thought about (although not actually done it yet) taking photos of some of my daughter's artwork. Maybe keep some of the best ones and take photos of others so you don't have to store so much.

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Meiguoren 18 yrs ago
Thinking in terms of how many years you will be collecting things . . . in our house each child has a large art portfolio and we only save the best from each year. We do frame things and put them on the wall. It doesn't have to be expensive; sometimes the "frame" has been a piece of construction paper that was cut out to put the art work in the center. When you are ready to switch out the art work from the wall, take it down and stash it into the portfolio. One advice: label the back with the dates, because unfortunately you do tend to forget!

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Meiguoren 18 yrs ago
Oh, the taking photos idea is a great one, especially for big school projects that are too big to keep in the house forever! We have photo logs of all kinds of projects ranging from papier mache castles to models of car engines and rocket shoots.

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clueless 18 yrs ago
The first one on a glass frame on the wall, all the rest in a plastic file.

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