son has no friends

Posted by squizzy 18 yrs ago
Hi everyone,

We have recently moved to Hong Kong and my son is in year one. At his previous school he was reserved but still had quite a few friends. Unfortunately he started school here a month into the term and is finding it hard to settle in. He doesn't play with anyone at playtime just watches the others. I told him to approach someone and ask if he can join in but he is too scared. Am I being too overly concerned? Do other parents have similar situations. I guess I am worried that the other children have established their groups and my son will remain an outsider. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks (from worried mum)

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Sapphire 18 yrs ago
Have a word with his teacher and explain the situation. She could perhaps get one of the other kids to be his 'buddy', to sit by him in class and to play with him at playtimes until he gets to know everyone better and feels a bit more confident in the playground. I think speaking to his teacher is the best thing, and she could also ask her classroom assistant to keep her eyes on him during break/lunchtimes if she's on duty in the playground. Also, ask your son if there's anyone he would like to invite home for a play date. Hope this helps!

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squizzy 18 yrs ago
Thanks Sapphire, they are all great ideas. I will speak to her tomorrow. It's sometimes hard to know if I am being too overprotective. At the same time it is hard to see your child being so unhappy about school.

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Sapphire 18 yrs ago
Squizzy, I know it's easy for me to say, but try not to worry too much ... I work in a Primary School and I see this often with new children ... but it won't last forever, honest! And no, I don't think you're being overprotective, I'd feel exactly the same myself if were my child.

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Perthites 18 yrs ago
See if you can find out from your son or his teacher if he is interested in any other child even in the slightest and arrange a playdate at your house. Once he establishes at least one friendship it will be easier for him to get to know the other kids.

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