Food issue

Posted by onegreenapple 8 yrs ago
Recently we ordered the party cakes from an Indian lady who sells the party cakes through a social media site because we saw many people likes her page and we found out some English media sites introduced her business but we did not realize that she was an advertiser of the business page or ads so those sites may introduce her business greatly. Her office is in a Aberdeen. Our kids felt sick once they had eaten the colored party cakes. We did not have any sources of the cakes because we cleaned up the table after the party.

I would like to know where should we report her in Hong Kong ?

How could we check out her business is with the related license ?

What could the advertising associations do if the media sites introduced some businesses wrongly ? The ads should be banned even the advertisers paid ? They are misleading people. Where can we complaint this case in Hong Kong ?

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