Discount Ocean Park Tickets

Posted by helpplease 17 yrs ago
Is it true it is cheaper to get Ocean Park tix from Chain Travel Service rather than from Ocean park? Anywhere else that sells the cheaper tickets?

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car_lover 17 yrs ago
Teachers can get cheap tickets for Ocean Park. Ask any of ur teacher friend if u have to get it for u.

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Claire 17 yrs ago
CTS has discounts on tickets, check its website.

Also check HKTB offices for coupons for tickets discounts. Don't know if it's for visitors only or you can get away with using them by looking like tourists.

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alila 17 yrs ago
Where do teachers get their cheap tickets from? I have some teacher friends and that have not heard of getting cheap tickets.

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car_lover 17 yrs ago
alila - From what i heard, teacher's must be a member of the Teacher's Union in order to purchase the tickets at cheaper price. Am not a teacher btw.

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bontheka 17 yrs ago
If anyone's interested, CTS and some other travel agencies also sell airport express tickets at much cheaper prices.

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