New Helper terminating old contract - Visa Application process?!?!

Posted by maevendave 8 yrs ago
I have a quick question I was hoping someone could help me with; we have found a Filipino helper to mind our baby girl, she was terminating her current contract and tried to process the new visa application herself. She had her interview yesterday and she was told she will need to go through an agency.
Having waited 6 weeks for this interview we are now really tight for time and need the visa processed as soon as possible. I have contacted Fair employment agency and Arrow agency both tell me the processing time will be 9-11 weeks. The helper however found an agency who says they can process it in 4-6 weeks, the agency is called Yan Yee Employment & Trading.

In short what I'd like to know is what is the estimated timeline for this type of visa application and if Yan Yee Employment and Trading is a ethical agency.

Any help you can give is much appreciated.

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Rico_Andaya 8 yrs ago
Hi Maevendave,
For Terminated/Break Contract Helpers - Helpers and Prospect Employer has to go through Agency, processing time would take at least 2 months.( 8 Weeks)
7 to 10 working days for Philippine Consulate for Authentication of contract
10 to 14 days upon submission to Immigration all necessary documents
After that ( Immigration would send us acknowledgements letter that normally says 4 to 6 weeks waiting
Fair and Arrow agency's timeline is more reasonable as the helper needs to do other clearance is Philippines.
Yan Yee - impossible
Please try Asiaxpat we can look after you call me Ruth #93116153 or call direct line 34682051
or email me
Looking forward to hear from you

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