Golden Sun Centre
59 Bonham Strand West
Sheung Wan
Hong Kong
Design is the first point of connection between you and the public — and often the strongest. Branding starts here, establishing a point of recognition in the minds of your clients, and beginning to build trust and loyalty.
To make this happen, you need a look that’s not just pretty, but unique, engaging, inspiring. You want presentations — online or in print — that express who you are and energize people to do business with you.
We can help you with that.
We are VAR, a design studio based in London and Hong Kong. Over the last 16 years, we’ve brought our unique vision to big corporations and small businesses alike. We’ve even helped startups create their brand identity.
We do more than design. We solve problems.
How can you gather up everything your company is and present it to the people you serve? Whether it’s websites or business cards or social media posts or menus or illustration, we apply our creative instincts to business problems every day.
Truly, we hope to change the world for the better, bit by bit. That’s the passion that drives us. If you have a similar passion, contact us. We can do some beautiful business together.