3rd and 9th floors
Amtel Building
148 Des Voeux Road
Hong Kong
Our professional accountants are specialized and experienced in the taxation system of Hong Kong. We are professionals in assisting clients to minimize their tax obligations by tax planning in advance and can effectively utilize the Hong Kong tax deductions subject to the Ordinances.
We are committed to providing cutting-edge taxation services to help clients find solutions without excessive costs or complication.
We offer the following practical taxation solutions and services:
Limited Company and Unlimited Company (Sole-Proprietorship/Partnership)
1. Acting as tax representative
2. Propose tax computation with supporting schedules
3. Filing of corporate tax returns
4. Filing Employer’ and Employees’ returns
5. Apply extension for tax returns filing
6. Assist in handling Inland Revenue Department’s enquiries, tax field audit or tax investigation
7. Provide tax planning and consultation
8. Apply for offshore profits claim
1. Filing Personal tax return
2. Apply for tax allowances
3. Electing Personal Assessment
4. Filing Property tax return
5. Apply extension for tax returns filing
6. Assist in handling Inland Revenue Department’s enquiries, tax field audit or tax investigation
7. Provide tax planning and consultation
For an up-to-date list of our services, please visit https://profitaccounting.hk/en/tax-return-filing-services-hong-kong?gclid=CjwKCAjwmK6IBhBqEiwAocMc8pF_Gx-orX6Kh62pzS7HVzJLCGrbKsYUEus3ImMlSN_mfzGJWz7M7BoC-gwQAvD_BwE