Hong Kong Integrated Oncology Centre

Hong Kong Integrated Oncology Centre

  • Address


    Champion Tower

    3 Garden Road


    Hong Kong

  • Phone 37006888
Established in 2015, the Hong Kong Integrated Oncology Centre and the Hong Kong Integrated Diagnostic Imaging Centre have been dedicated to providing quality and holistic multidisciplinary specialist services for cancer diagnosis, treatment and wellness services. Since 2016, HKIOC has forged a strategic partnership with the Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Oncology Centre (HKAHOC), introducing the concept of daycare cancer treatment that entails integrated services across disciplines. Cancer patients could choose to receive treatment in HKIOC’s daycare centre at their convenience, and be referred to HKAHOC located in Stubbs Road if needed. With a range of state-of-the-art radiotherapy including TomoTherapy and Y-90 radioembolization, HKAHOC provides quality in-patient services and emergency hospital care.