Ernest Hemingway Book Recommendations

Posted by Ed 2 yrs ago
Ernest Hemingway was an American novelist, short-story writer, journalist, and sportsman. Wikipedia
The American
by Henry James, Lee Clark Mitchell (Introduction)
Henry James's third novel is an exploration of his most powerful, perennial theme - the clash between European and American cultures, the Old World and the New. Christopher Newman, a 'self-made' American millionaire in France, falls in love with the beautiful aristocratic Claire de Bellegarde. Her family, however, taken aback by his brash American manner, rejects his proposal of marriage. When Newman discovers a guilty secret in the Bellegardes' past, he confronts a moral dilemma: Should he expose them and thus gain his revenge? James's masterly early work is at once a social comedy, a melodramatic romance and a realistic novel of manners.
The Portrait of a Lady
by Henry James, Patricia Crick (Annotations), Claude Bonnafont (Translator)
When Isabel Archer, a beautiful, spirited American, is brought to Europe by her wealthy Aunt Touchett, it is expected that she will soon marry. But Isabel, resolved to determine her own fate, does not hesitate to turn down two eligible suitors. She then finds herself irresistibly drawn to Gilbert Osmond, who, beneath his veneer of charm and cultivation, is cruelty itself. A story of intense poignancy, Isabel's tale of love and betrayal still resonates with modern audiences.
The Turn of the Screw
by Henry James
A very young woman's first job: governess for two weirdly beautiful, strangely distant, oddly silent children, Miles and Flora, at a forlorn estate...An estate haunted by a beckoning evil. Half-seen figures who glare from dark towers and dusty windows- silent, foul phantoms who, day by day, night by night, come closer, ever closer. With growing horror, the helpless governess realizes the fiendish creatures want the children, seeking to corrupt their bodies, possess their minds, own their souls... But worse-much worse- the governess discovers that Miles and Flora have no terror of the lurking evil. For they want the walking dead as badly as the dead want them.
Collected Stories: Volume 1 (1866-1891) 
by Henry James, John Bayley (Selected by)
Contents of Volume 1
A Landscape-Painter
A Light Man
A Passionate Pilgrim
The Madonna of the Future
Madame de Mauves
Daisy Miller: A Study
An International Episode
The Pension Beaurepas
The Point of View
The Siege of London
Lady Barberina
The Author of "Beltraffio"
Louisa Pallant
The Aspern Papers
The Liar
The Lesson of the Master
The Patagonia
The Pupil
The Marriages
The Chaperon
Sir Edmund Orme
Far Away and Long Ago
by William H. Hudson
For at some period of a man's life; at all events of some lives; in some rare state of the mind, it is all at once revealed to him as by a miracle that nothing is ever blotted out.
Essential Turgenev
by Ivan Turgenev, Elizabeth Cheresh Allen (Editor)
The Essential Turgenev will provide American readers with the first comprehensive, portable edition of this great Russian author's works. It offers an extensive introduction to the writings that established Turgenev as one of the preeminent literary figures of his time, and reveals the breadth of insight into changing social conditions that made Turgenev a portal to Russian intellectual life.

Readers will find complete, exemplary translations of Turgenev's finest novels, Rudin, A Nest of Gentry, and Fathers and Sons, along with the lapidary novella First Love. The volume also includes selections from Sportsman's Sketches, seven of Turgenev's most compelling short stories, and fifteen prose poems. It also contains samples of the author's nonfiction drawn from autobiographical sketches, memoirs, public speeches, plus the influential essay "Hamlet and Don Quixote" and correspondence with Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and others.
The Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling 
This ebook contains Rudyard Kipling's complete works.

This edition has been professionally formatted and contains several tables of contents. The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles of all novels included in this volume. By clicking on one of those titles you will be redirected to the beginning of that work, where you'll find a new TOC that lists all the chapters and sub-chapters of that specific work.
The Best Short Stories
by Guy de Maupassant
This collection reflects Maupassant's remarkable diversity, with stories that vary in theme and tone, and range from tragedy and satire to comedy and farce. Boule de Suife, his most famous tale exposes the brutality and hypocrisy of war. His stories are linked by irony and the frailty of human nature.
17 stories:
Boule de Suif
Two Friends
Mme. Tellier's Establishment
Mlle. Fifi
Clair de Lune
Miss Harriet
The Necklace
Mlle. Pearl
The Piece of String
Mme. Husson's "Rosier"
That Pig of a Morin
Useless Beauty
The Olive Orchard
A Sale
Two Little Soldiers
(The Collected Works of W.B. Yeats #3)
by W.B. Yeats
Autobiographies consists of six autobiographical works that William Butler Yeats published together in the mid-1930s to form a single, extraordinary memoir of the first fifty-eight years of his life, from his earliest memories of childhood to winning the Nobel Prize for Literature. This volume provides a vivid series of personal accounts of a wide range of figures, and it describes Yeats's work as poet and playwright, as a founder of Dublin's famed Abbey Theatre, his involvement with Irish nationalism, and his fascination with occultism and visions. This book is most compelling as Yeats's own account of the growth of his poetic imagination. Yeats thought that a poet leads a life of allegory, and that his works are comments upon it. Autobiographies enacts his ruling belief in the connections and coherence between the life that he led and the works that he wrote. It is a vision of personal history as art, and so it is the one truly essential companion to his poems and plays.
Edited by William H. O'Donnell and Douglas N. Archibald, this volume is available for the first time with invaluable explanatory notes and includes previously unpublished passages from candidly explicit first drafts.
Hail and Farewell: Ave Salve! and Vale!
by George Moore
Considered Moore's masterpiece, this has greatly influenced both past and contemporary views of the Irish Literary Revival and its members - Yeats, Lady Gregory, G.W. Russell (AE), Plunkett, and Synge. It is a prodigious work, containing Moore's assessment of the Revival, the Abbey Theatre and its predecessors, as well as remarkable insights into not only the literature and art of the period, but also its social and religious life.
The Blue Hotel
by Stephen Crane
This carefully crafted ebook: “The Blue Hotel” is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents.
"The Blue Hotel" is a short story by American author Stephen Crane (1871–1900). The story first appeared in the 1899 collection entitled The Monster and Other Stories. It is a story about a man who gets in trouble after a stay at the Palace Hotel.
Stephen Crane (1871-1900) was an American novelist, short-story writer, and poet who is often called the first modern American writer. The Blue Hotel (1899) is considered one of Crane´s finest short stories.

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PSR_AXP 2 yrs ago
The Open Boat and Other Stories
by Stephen Crane

Four prized selections by one of America's greatest writers: "The Open Boat," based on a harrowing incident in the author's life: the 1897 sinking of a ship on which he was a passenger; "The Blue Hotel" and "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky," reflecting Crane's early travels in Mexico and the American Southwest; and the novella Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, a galvanizing portrait of life in the slums of New York City.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
by Mark Twain
Referring to Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, H. L. Mencken noted that his discovery of this classic American novel was "the most stupendous event of my whole life"; Ernest Hemingway declared that "all modern American literature stems from this one book," while T. S. Eliot called Huck "one of the permanent symbolic figures of fiction, not unworthy to take a place with Ulysses, Faust, Don Quixote, Don Juan, Hamlet."
The novel's preeminence derives from its wonderfully imaginative re-creation of boyhood adventures along the Mississippi River, its inspired characterization, the author's remarkable ear for dialogue, and the book's understated development of serious underlying themes: "natural" man versus "civilized" society, the evils of slavery, the innate value and dignity of human beings, and other topics. Most of all, Huckleberry Finn is a wonderful story, filled with high adventure and unforgettable characters.
Demons: A Novel in Three Parts
by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Inspired by the true story of a political murder that horrified Russians in 1869, Fyodor Dostoevsky conceived of Demons as a "novel-pamphlet" in which he would say everything about the plague of materialist ideology that he saw infecting his native land. What emerged was a prophetic and ferociously funny masterpiece of ideology and murder in pre-revolutionary Russia.
Crime and Punishment
by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Raskolnikov, a destitute and desperate former student, wanders through the slums of St Petersburg and commits a random murder without remorse or regret. He imagines himself to be a great man, a Napoleon: acting for a higher purpose beyond conventional moral law. But as he embarks on a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a suspicious police investigator, Raskolnikov is pursued by the growing voice of his conscience and finds the noose of his own guilt tightening around his neck. Only Sonya, a downtrodden sex worker, can offer the chance of redemption.
The Brothers Karamazov
by Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Brothers Karamazov is a murder mystery, a courtroom drama, and an exploration of erotic rivalry in a series of triangular love affairs involving the “wicked and sentimental” Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov and his three sons―the impulsive and sensual Dmitri; the coldly rational Ivan; and the healthy, red-cheeked young novice Alyosha. Through the gripping events of their story, Dostoevsky portrays the whole of Russian life, is social and spiritual striving, in what was both the golden age and a tragic turning point in Russian culture.
This award-winning translation by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky remains true to the verbal inventiveness of Dostoevsky’s prose, preserving the multiple voices, the humor, and the surprising modernity of the original. It is an achievement worthy of Dostoevsky’s last and greatest novel.
La Chartreuse de Parme
by Stendhal
Les oeuvres classiques (15)
La Chartreuse de Parme - Stendhal
Cadet de grande famille fasciné par Napoléon qu'il rêve d'aller rejoindre, Fabrice del Dongo arrive à Waterloo quand commence la bataille. Mais il ne suivra pas la carrière des armes à quoi il aspirait, et consentira à devenir prélat. Ce qu’il fera toutefois avec assez de détachement, pour que l'essentiel reste bien pour lui la chasse au bonheur - c'est-à-dire l'amour.
Roman le plus célèbre de Stendhal, La Chartreuse de Parme mélange des événements historiques réels avec une Italie fantasmée. De Waterloo à Parme, Stendhal narre les aventures du jeune Fabrice del Dongo, héros romantique, prisonnier de son amour pour Clélia Conti.
Le Rouge et le Noir
by Stendhal
Avec Atlantic Editions, plongez dans la lecture d'un des plus grands chefs-d'oeuvre de la littérature Française dans une très belle édition brochée.
Séduisant, intelligent et ambitieux, Julien Sorel, fils de charpentier, est déterminé à dépasser ses origines provinciales modestes. Réalisant rapidement que le succès ne peut être atteint que par l'adoption du code subtil de l'hypocrisie par lequel la société opère, il accède au sommet de la hiérarchie sociale en agissant par intérêt personnel et tromperies. Mais il n’est pas satisfait de son sort - il rêve de devenir une sorte de nouveau Napoléon Bonaparte et méprise les gens de la haute société.
Son ambition démesurée le pousse à courtiser Mme de Rênal, épouse dévouée et naïve du maire de Verrières, et à conquérir Mathilde, fille altière et passionnée du marquis de la Mole. Mais le tempérament fier et ombrageux de Julien lui fera commettre l'irréparable et le mènera à sa perte.
Le Rouge et le Noir, d'abord paru en 1830, est un portrait satirique de la société Française sous la Restauration, rongée par la corruption et la cupidité. Ce chef-d'oeuvre, noir par son réalisme, et teinté du rouge de la passion et du crime, témoigne de l'immense talent littéraire de l'auteur.
Henri Beyle, connu sous le pseudonyme de Stendhal (1783-1842), est l'un des plus grands écrivains Français. Il a marqué la littérature par la profondeur de ses analyses psychologiques, son souci du réalisme et de la recherche de la Vérité, ses portraits de jeunes gens aux aspirations romantiques, et par la force de son style.
Ce chef-d'oeuvre, incontournable et intemporel, ravira les lecteurs de tous âges.
Dans la même collection brochée de l'éditeur Atlantic Editions, retrouvez un autre chef-d'oeuvre de Stendhal: La Chartreuse de Parme
Joseph Andrews and Shamela
by Henry Fielding
Henry Fielding wrote both Joseph Andrews (1742) and Shamela (1741) in response to Samuel Richardson's book Pamela (1740), of which Shamela is a splendidly bawdy travesty. Joseph Andrews begins as a parody, too, but soon outgrows its origins, and its deepest roots lie in Cervantes and Marivaux. In both stories, Fielding demonstrates his concern for the corruption of contemporary society, politics, religion, morality, and taste.
This revised and expanded edition follows the text of Joseph Andrews established by Martin C. Battestin for the definitive Wesleyan Edition of Fielding's works. The text of Shamela is based on the first edition, and two substantial appendices reprint the preliminary matter from the second edition of Richardson's Pamela and Conyers Middleton's Life of Cicero, which is also closely parodied in Shamela. This Oxford World's Classics edition also features a new introduction by Thomas Keymer which situates Fielding's works in their critical and historical contexts.
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
by Henry Fielding
A foundling of mysterious parentage brought up by Mr. Allworthy on his country estate, Tom Jones is deeply in love with the seemingly unattainable Sophia Western, the beautiful daughter of the neighboring squire—though he sometimes succumbs to the charms of the local girls. When Tom is banished to make his own fortune and Sophia follows him to London to escape an arranged marriage, the adventure begins. A vivid Hogarthian panorama of eighteenth-century life, spiced with danger and intrigue, bawdy exuberance and good-natured authorial interjections, Tom Jones is one of the greatest and most ambitious comic novels in English literature.
by James Joyce
Loosely based on the Odyssey, this landmark of modern literature follows ordinary Dubliners in 1904. Capturing a single day in the life of Dubliner Leopold Bloom, his friends Buck Mulligan and Stephen Dedalus, his wife Molly, and a scintillating cast of supporting characters, Joyce pushes Celtic lyricism and vulgarity to splendid extremes. Captivating experimental techniques range from interior monologues to exuberant wordplay and earthy humor. A major achievement in 20th century literature.  

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PSR_AXP 2 yrs ago
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
by James Joyce
The portrayal of Stephen Dedalus's Dublin childhood and youth, his quest for identity through art and his gradual emancipation from the claims of family, religion and Ireland itself, is also an oblique self-portrait of the young James Joyce and a universal testament to the artist's 'eternal imagination'. Both an insight into Joyce's life and childhood, and a unique work of modernist fiction, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is a novel of sexual awakening, religious rebellion and the essential search for voice and meaning that every nascent artist must face in order to blossom fully into themselves.
by James Joyce
This work of art reflects life in Ireland at the turn of the last century, and by rejecting euphemism, reveals to the Irish their unromantic realities. Each of the 15 stories offers glimpses into the lives of ordinary Dubliners, and collectively they paint a portrait of a nation.
by Thomas Mann
Buddenbrooks, first published in Germany in 1901, when Mann was only twenty-six, has become a classic of modern literature.
It is the story of four generations of a wealthy bourgeois family in northern Germany facing the advent of modernity; in an uncertain new world, the family’s bonds and traditions begin to disintegrate. As Mann charts the Buddenbrooks’ decline from prosperity to bankruptcy, from moral and psychic soundness to sickly piety, artistic decadence, and madness, he ushers the reader into a world of stunning vitality, pieced together from births and funerals, weddings and divorces, recipes, gossip, and earthy humor.
In its immensity of scope, richness of detail, and fullness of humanity, buddenbrooks surpasses all other modern family chronicles. With remarkable fidelity to the original German text, this superb translation emphasizes the magnificent scale of Mann’s achievement in this riveting, tragic novel.
L'Éducation sentimentale
by Gustave Flaubert
De 1840 à 1867, la vie fait L'Éducation sentimentale de Frédéric Moreau et de toute une jeunesse idéaliste qui a préparé dans la fièvre la révolution de 1848. Le roman s'ouvre sur des rêves exaltés et s'achève sur la médiocrité des uns et des autres. Entre temps, la vie s'est écoulée autour de Frédéric, qui semble n'avoir pas plus participé aux mutations de son temps qu'à l'édifice de sa propre destinée potentielle. Au cours de cette existence, Madame Arnoux, dont les apparitions sont autant de surgissements mystiques, tient lieu au jeune homme d'absolu insaisissable. Lui qui rêvait de terres lointaines et d'ouvrages romantiques déchirants dont il se voyait l'auteur génial, se retrouve, en guise de destination exotique, à Nogent, la ville de son enfance. Au terme de son parcours, que peut-il faire d'autre que ponctuer sa conversation avec Deslauriers, le pragmatique non moins malheureux, de "te souviens-tu" ? Flaubert éclaire ses personnages d'une lumière tantôt ironique, tantôt sympathique, et s'il adopte parfois une vision panoramique des choses, c'est semble-t-il pour mieux se couler dans l'esprit de son héros afin de faire vivre au lecteur les velléités de son caractère. --Sana Tang-Léopold Wauters
Madame Bovary
by Gustave Flaubert
Madame Bovary is the debut novel of French writer Gustave Flaubert, published in 1856. The character lives beyond her means in order to escape the banalities and emptiness of provincial life. When the novel was first serialized in La Revue de Paris between 1 October 1856 and 15 December 1856, public prosecutors attacked the novel for obscenity. The resulting trial in January 1857 made the story notorious. After Flaubert's acquittal on 7 February 1857, Madame Bovary became a bestseller in April 1857 when it was published in two volumes. A seminal work of literary realism, the novel is now considered Flaubert's masterpiece, and one of the most influential literary works in history.
Peter Simple
by Frederick Marryat
In this seminal story of naval life during the Napoleonic War, Frederick Murrayat's young hero embarks upon a life at sea and finds it be a rough school indeed. Simple's trials and triumphs, alongside his faithful mentor, Terence O'Brien, Mirror Marryat's personal experience, from the hand-to-hand combat of cutting-out missions to the devastating hurricane off St. Pierre and the mutiny aboard the "Rattlesnake". "Peter Simple" is a towering tale from the great age of sail, filled with keen wit, vivid characters, and gripping adventure.
Frank Mildmay or the Naval Officer
by Frederick Marryat
Frank Mildmay is a rogue and a rascal who cuts a memorable swath as he move up the ranks of the early 19th-century Royal navy. Whether seducing pretty girls ashore, braving hurricanes at sea or scrambling aboard a French privateer with cutlass bared, Mildmay and his adventures live on!
Mr. Midshipman Easy
by Frederick Marryat
A timeless tale of a midshipman's rise in Nelson's navy.
Widely regarded as Marryat's best work, Mr. Midshipman Easy is based on the author's adventures sailing with Lord Thomas Cochrane. This classic seafaring tale is a fascinating account of naval life and warfare, of French prisons and love affairs, and of the midshipman's berth. Marryat's ready wit, unforgettable characters, and true-to-life details have earned him praise from Conrad, Hemingway, and Ford Madox Ford, who called him "the greatest of English novelists."
Anna Karenina
by Leo Tolstoy
Acclaimed by many as the world's greatest novel, Anna Karenina provides a vast panorama of contemporary life in Russia and of humanity in general. In it Tolstoy uses his intense imaginative insight to create some of the most memorable characters in all of literature. Anna is a sophisticated woman who abandons her empty existence as the wife of Karenin and turns to Count Vronsky to fulfil her passionate nature - with tragic consequences. Levin is a reflection of Tolstoy himself, often expressing the author's own views and convictions.
Throughout, Tolstoy points no moral, merely inviting us not to judge but to watch. As Rosemary Edmonds comments, 'He leaves the shifting patterns of the kaleidoscope to bring home the meaning of the brooding words following the title, 'Vengeance is mine, and I will repay.
War and Peace
by Leo Tolstoy
In Russia's struggle with Napoleon, Tolstoy saw a tragedy that involved all mankind. Greater than a historical chronicle, War and Peace is an affirmation of life itself, `a complete picture', as a contemporary reviewer put it, `of everything in which people find their happiness and greatness, their grief and humiliation'. Tolstoy gave his personal approval to this translation, published here in a new single volume edition, which includes an introduction by Henry Gifford, and Tolstoy's important essay `Some Words about War and Peace'.

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