I would like to let a little puppy come and share my life

Posted by Lawrence24 12 yrs ago
Ok so I am, Im so dizzy the whole world is spinning and my head is spinning around with me Im so dizzy............honestly I am on this fine clear day one amongst 300 overcast ones, and If it wasn't for the fact that Eddy Tang is sufficiently behind in the "polls" I think I would be screaming "bring back the British".

Dogs. Thas the issue. I would like an indoor dog puppy oh I dunno a pug or a jack Russell something cute. Now all I hear is stay away from pet shops as the dogs are products of puppy mills and they are. On numerous occasions I've tried engaging pet-shop assistants on the history of the pups only to be brushed of angrily and told its not for sale while there in front of my nose is a price tag, an outrageous one at that.

Ok so we must only buy dogs (besides rescue ones) from responsible breeders who do not put their puppies in glass windows in Mongkok.

Well here is the thing there are no responsible breeders, everyone is doing it in apartments. The HK kennel club doesn't even have a list of registered breeders never mind contact details for its own org. So am i missing something here. Responsible breeders if there are any breed in the back room for the limited show scene here the rejects get sent down to the pet shops, is this the reponsible breeder im mean to be finding, even if it is how to intercept a healthy one from a rather silly show career and divert it to my acearage of garden and good times?

Could it be a language thing, if i was to look up pug breeder Hong Kong in simplified Chinese would I strike gold, find a good selection of responsible breeders who ethically dont breed for suffocation and paralyse of the spine, would I? And would they sell me such an example?

Any clue or anyone willing to do that for me because I dont know what is a pug in Cantonese or anything like this, so far I've only found what look like puppy mills, you know the kind "three lovely pugs up for adoption" 3000Hk each. The same picture and advert appearing on a monthly basis.

I want a cute rolley polley baby puggles with no defects not a reject not an intensive care case or a bad wolf hybrid, or puppy farm case, just a fully healthy bouncy pugglet. Can anyone help my three rescue dogs would love you for it they adore little dogs.

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Lawrence24 12 yrs ago
Thanks cara yes thats so important.

I know though because I had a jack russel as a boy (not the pedigree muts you get today but a real working one) and they make fantastic inside/outside dogs, mine used to sleep with me it liked to be right under the sheets near my feet, keep up after the horses on long outrides, dissapear down holes and go on hols to the South Coast to catch waves and crabs, action action action, the dearest little things. I would love one again there is plenty work here in the garden by way of rats to keep it occupied. The country parks are over run by them, I find trapping so awful the tails often get caught in the jam, nasty. Then how to kill......no a little shorty would be all round much better.

Pugs are most definately mostly indoor doggies and much more layed back though not all of them, we kept those too, these were the permanent inside dogs always snorting away and having fun on the carpets.

The big ones the watch dogs and hounds lived outside except on Christmas day when they were all allowed to go nuts and invade the hall and enjoy the warm fire and legs of lamb.

I have the outside dogs but I could never pass up a good Jack Russel its very unlikely in HK to find one as I've only ever seen extremely extremely poor fragile skinny specimens that look like shortened dachshunds, big popping eyes and snipey muzzles and long floppy ears.

Though I have seen some half decent pugs, not often but they do pop up always always i've been told on enquiery this or that pet shop.........so Im begining to wonder if this pet shop thing isnt all encompasing the good and the bad.

I wonder why it isnt law that the origines of the dogs be made plain and be traceable and the puppies be up to scratch with inoculations and not under a certain age. I mean apartment puppy mills would be exposed within a few weeks, what is the government waiting for exactly? And in the meantime how do the unsuspecting public get a decent dog.

Im happy in fact to rescue a pug puppy but it must be a very good one, as this breed more than many have some devastating genetic problems, toy cross breeds can be even worse, I just dont want to be living in vet waiting rooms. I know its just I know the pug character and its exactly what I would love. They love having their sides tickled while running on slippery floors hahaha merriest little things on four feet.

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ssha16 12 yrs ago
Hi there - i've done a bit of research as we're thinking of getting a golden ourselves and have looked at both the rescue and breeder option. agree re avoiding any semblance of a puppy mill, but whether a breeder "is proper" is tough in HK i think generally. If you do want one that is reliably from a healthy line, your best bet would be to find anyone that has shown them, particularly outside of HK like in the US - where i think they require certifications from places like the OFA, and then you can ask to see those certifications where they check for typical genetic diseases/problems for those types of breeds. Don't know if this is wholly applicable to pugs but you can take a look. Hope this helps g'luck

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Lawrence24 12 yrs ago
Hi Ssha yes it is difficult I agree.

I did in fact do exactly as you advised and found a breeder that had spent a good part of their lives living an showing in this case pugs in Miami. He is a very well respected and extremely successful pug man originally from Hong Kong.

He came back to live in Hong Kong few years ago but has retired from the doggie scene almost entirely. He was very kind to give me the name of someone here that he thought could help.

Well I dont want to sound ungrateful but I wasn't very confident after contacting these people. They sounded at first promising, they had five or six pugs which they kept as pets they said but were expecting a litter any day. Anyway I waited then got a mail to tell me there was one available. I thought Okey up them if they want to only sell one but I would have liked to see and choose out of a litter. I asked some questions about the parents and if they were available for me to look at and they said no. I could only see the father.

So I asked why and they said the father was theirs but the mother wasn't and was somewhere else and I couldn't look at it. So in short I decided it was fishy, either they had bought in a puppy to resell or...... in fact I wasn't sure what was going on and I didn't like their attitude. It seems the minute you start asking pertinent questions they back off and get a bit snappy for some reason.

This is as close as I got to a so called responsible breeder in Hong Kong.

I went to a few dog shows here and wasn't at all impressed with the general quality of the dogs. Unfortunately there weren't any pugs around either.

I wasn't sure if the general standard of pedigree dogs had become so bad since I last saw a dog show in Rotterdam in the 90's or it was that the quality just wasn't here. The rescue dogs in the foyer were marvellous though I almost ended up with a bulldog on boxer legs and a Pekingese with east west eyes and feet and jaws to match. I would have loved to of course but I would love a puppy. I've rescued four big local specials all adults and missed all that little cute puppy stuff.

I suppose for you the best thing to do would be to import, I saw the retrievers and they were quite honestly runts completely lacking.

You know there might be the odd owner who has a good imported dog that has a litter and something good comes out of it but there wouldn't be any guarantees.

Good luck and if you come across any pug tips I would be delighted, I will keep an eye out for the retriever end I have seen one or two very nice ones probably imported.

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Hazel 12 yrs ago
We have a 3 year old friendly Pug/ Shih Tsu cross looking for a home. His name is Barney. You can check him out on our Facebook page - HK Rescue Puppies. My concern is your mention of your new dog being an "Indoor dog". Does that mean you are never going to take it outdoors or that it will sleep & hang out indoors when not being walked? If it is the latter, how often will you walk your dog?

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Lawrence24 12 yrs ago
I looked for Barney but I couldn't find him any direct link?

Yes it will sleep and live indoors when its not outdoors. Haha. No I probably wont take it for walks, just teach it to go on the lead for vet visits or rides in the car. For walkies it would have to do that all by its self with the outside dogs. Basically it will live inside unlike the big dogs who live outside and never come inside they have kennels, it will go outside when ever it asks.

We have a very large garden in the country parks. I used to let the dogs go beyond out boundary fences twice a day for runs but one got gored by a wild pig so I stopped that. Also hikers keep littering and the dogs would come home after 5minutes with all sorts of truly disgusting and dangerous things in their mouths like barbecue sticks and styrafoam boxes full of rotting fish heads. We dont have AFD rubbish bins because we are in the middle of nowhere but somehow people manage to leave piles of sh*t all over the place, its almost like they think because no one can see that they dump it all here.

Ooops got a bit lost there. Is Barney short haired because I swore I would never get another long haired small dog ever again, the battle to keep them tangle free is too much. I also dont like the way they are treated at dog parlours the dogs absolutely hate that too. I think all dog parlours are definitely one of the most insidious forms of sanctioned animal cruelty out there.

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Lawrence24 12 yrs ago
hahaha Out for runs with the owner? Heavens live you are funny. Even if I had four legs and could keep up with them this would be difficult. I feel dogs should be free. Ok this is HK and its not possible for most but here it was. Not any more, wild pigs are very dangerous. On this score though they might be able to again as I think the HK gov shot all the pigs a year ago. There were some silly complaints by villagers real or imagined that pigs were terrorising them so the government decided to cull.

I believe in this area they killed them all as I haven't seen one since the shoot.

Its not a matter of Lawrence you should not get dogs I already have four. And sadly yes they may no longer run free here its too dangerous.

I've never lived in cities before and I still don't. My dog followed me on horseback everywhere I went, they were never socialised and they still aren't.

Whats your point exactly, the dogs have a huge garden to play in chase monkeys in hunt rats and just generally be dogs. And isn't this what dogs like doing best or do you think they should be on leads and pooping on sidewalks and chewing furniture in someone's apartment?

I have no time at all for people that have anthropomorphised their poor dogs into sad little human toys.

Dogs are pack animals number one and we as pack leader must give them a rewarding and happy dog life, we must make sacrifices not them.

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Lawrence24 12 yrs ago
No I dont and you have obviously no idea of the how I look after the dogs in my charge.

Those grunts in the dark your hubby is hearing are probably no more than the porcupine that infest the hillsides.

Look I agree if you are caring for other peoples dogs for cash you might want to hand them back in one piece, but dogs being dogs and enjoying a natural life "walking" them is not always the best option????

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Lawrence24 12 yrs ago
Who lets their dogs roam freely in "Hong Kong city" ? Thats insane, the parks are not even big enough here to do that.

In cities like London however it is very common practise to let the dogs run completely free in most city parks and they love it.

They start doing this when the dog is a puppy so they become human and animal socialised this is no problem generally and nor is it forbidden in many public parks there. The owners find a place to sit then let the dogs go run its perfectly normal.

I dont see why not in the country parks here either, these are certainly bigger than most London parks. Most people I see with dogs around here let them run free.

I stopped doing it because of the wild pigs but I used to do it very early in the morning and late in the afternoon just before dark as this when there are almost no hikers, but so I discovered this is when the pigs are active as they have become semi to completely nocturnal due to being heavily persecuted.

London also doesn't of course have the same littering problems that exist here. Its just extraordinary people seem to think its almost a right to dump anything into the parks, cut a few trees down and then for good measure set the whole damn thing on fire!

This behaviour is de rigueur for the grave sweeping lot and its happening for some reason more and more often too. Some kind of sociological phenomenon. Now they sweep on a set date for woman dead then men dead then children and then haphazardly all through the year for what ever reason.

Before just four years or so ago hardly anyone bothered with this ritual, maybe the odd grieving wife or brother why now and in such numbers its unbelievable. I think the best thing to do is to relocate all the graves out of the country parks and into the city areas set out for this purpose as it is destroying the parks.

Got a bit lost there but worth the rant.

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