Posted by CLM 16 yrs ago
Has anyone had a nighmare experience after buying a dog or cat from a pet store? Health issues from in-breeding, sickness , disease?? STOP (Saving HK'S Cats and Dogs) is looking for people willing to share their first-hand stories about HKs Pet Store trade.

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Leese 16 yrs ago
No im sorry I cant help here but I wish you the best of luck in your research. I foster pups found in the Hong Kong wild born from the street dogs & all my pups I've found homes for have been wonderful success stories. No problems with them at all. I have a somewhat opinion that these pups tend to be better dogs to bring up. I've never been a big fan of buying dogs from pet shops no matter which country you reside.

Take care.

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djswazi 16 yrs ago
The Goverment needs to step it a whole bunch with these pet shops, selling animals.

I have a petbakery and grooming palour in causeway bay near the dog street and I have seen and heard alot of things behind there shops in the ally, but i wont get into that ,makes me sick.

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