Pet Loss: Help/ Advice

Posted by 3jundo3 12 yrs ago
Hello everybody - I know there is an old thread about pet loss but I am looking for some help or advice as to how to handle it...

I lost my 15-year-old cat a few days ago and it has been a nightmare. I am an only child and I've had her almost half my life. She was due in for a small surgery and could not handle the anesthetic. I feel so guilty in so many ways that i. if i didn't bring her to the vet in the first place as she was not in too much pain, ii. she spent her last night at the clinic without me.

I got a call form them when they were trying to revive her and in 5 mins while I started rushing to the clinic she was gone.

Some times of the day I feel fine, but when I come home and she is not on the bed waiting on me like she always is or not sleeping with me or not waking me up with her meows in the morning... I feel like a wreck and I don't know where she's gone.

People often say that they will stay with you in your heart but I feel so alone and empty as I picture her in her favourite places in my room. I don't know that she is peaceful, I don't know that she is at a place that she is happy because she has always been with me and me only. I get her ashes back in two weeks and will make a coat for the urn with my old sweater that she likes to sleep on.

My heart aches for her so much as I miss her and love her so much. It is so painful being without her and I don't know what to do now.

Please please tell me how you dealt with this when you lost a pet. I am so lost. I have taken this one day off but from tomorrow onwards I will be busy with work, evening school, tutoring and volunteering. I don't know how I could possibly handle so many things now that I am feeling like this but I feel like I should keep it for my schedule to be as normal as possible.

Please help me...

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F100 12 yrs ago
dear 3jundo3,

so sorry to hear about your loss.

there is never an "easy way or a best time" to say goodbye to a pet that you love.

you did the best thing for your cat. you provided her the best care and took really good care of her for her entire life. there are soooo many animals out there that are not given even a fraction of the love and care you gave to your cat.

so please, don't feel guilty for anything. your cat was very very lucky to have you for an owner.

your cat lived and long and happy life. just feel happy that you both had so many great years together.

i know that you must feel awful right now and miss your cat.

time will heal the pain.

in the mean time, there are soooo many cats/dogs that are waiting for a loving and caring person such as yourself to foster/adopt them.

doing so shortly after your beloved cat passed away, doesn't in any way mean that you don't love your cat.

when my dog passed away about 3 years ago, i felt so sad and upset.

i decided to foster an old dog that was really neglected.

after 3 days, i feel in love with the dog and decided to adopt her.

i still love and think about my old dog, but my newly adopted dog did help a lot of heal the pain.

take good care.

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3jundo3 12 yrs ago
F100 thank you for your story and support!

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