Posted by
12 yrs ago
Hi everyone,
I am looking for a dog walker in Kennedy town.
I have a beautiful 3 year old husky dog (she is very small for her size as the breeders she was rescued from was trying to make a new breed of miniature huskys)
I have just adopted her so she is discovering how wonderful life outside a cage is. She happy and aleart and she is the most loving dog with people and animals after a few minutes of meeting them but of course at the moment she is just so so excited to be taken on big walks, that she pulls on the lead so the dog walker needs to be strick with her.
What the job would require is a 60+ minute walk, brushing her coat outside and feeding her lunch/water (which I will have prepared before hand so you will just need to take it out of the fridge.
If anyone is interested then let me know a good time for you to meet the dog as well as your rates
Thank you so much for your kind comment and espicially your great advice.. I will definitely go and find one of the products you mentioned!! :)
I should mention (for those of you who may be interested in this job that it is for Mondays- Fridays, between the hours of 11AM-3PM (you can choose what suits)
Are you still looking? My husband might be interested to walk your dog. We live not too far away from the Merton in Kennedy Town. Lynn
hi hi, still looking for someone??
i live in K-town and can help out.
hello! are you still looking for someone, i live nearby and i'm always free :)
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