Posted by
9 yrs ago
Hi all
I'm just trying to spread the word a bit wider about our lost dog.
Oscar is a black, 4 year old, male toy poodle. He snapped the leash when our helper was walking him along Pok Fu Lam Rd near the Riding School and Resevoir on Sun 24 July.
He was adopted from HKDR and is a great little guy loved by the whole family.
We have put up posters around the country park at the Pok Fu Lam entrance, informed SPCA, AFCD, Police and my wife has posted on FB as well as the SPCA and HKDR websites. We have had lots of friends helping to search for Oscar but we still cannot find him. He is microchipped and registered.
We had one sighting in the building adjacent to ours (we live in New Alberose) on Mon 25th at about 8pm then another at 6am on Tues on the family trail near the steps leading down to the park entrance. It seems he is on the area but we haven't seen or heard anything in over 24hrs and he is only a little guy. We have tried all the paths and calling his name but no joy. Nothing from all the hikers who use the road beside the Resevoir.
We are focussing now on rubbish bins and sources of water because he must be getting desperate.
If anyone in the area sees him please call 94984474. He is very scared and bolted after both sightings so if you call us we will try to get him.
I will try to provide the link to the posts so you can see a picture. I cannot seem to add one directly.
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HI all
After 3 nights in the Country Park we found him approaching sunset last night. A jogger thought he saw something dash across the HK trail so we went to investigate. He was much further up the mountain than we expected.
We are all so relieved and for anyone else who loses a pet in HK please take comfort that turn little guy survived 72hrs in the bush with all manner of hostiles and made it home ok.
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