A little story about our Hong Kong Housesitting experience

Posted by hellohongkong1 8 yrs ago
Even after housesitting nearly 20 times in Europe, New Zealand, across Asia and even twice in Hong Kong, we still encounter shock when we explain this concept to people!

Housesitting typically unnerves people, because money-less exchanges are highly unusual in our society. However, housesitting is a well established phenomenon in Europe and the USA and we are seeing its popularity grow here in Asia! In exchange for letting a couple of friendly, animal loving people have a free place to stay while you are away, your pets get superb care, your house is occupied, which deters break-ins and complies with many home insurance policies and housesitters are on hand to do all the odd jobs around the house. You return to some happy, relaxed pets and an immaculate home, all for the price of...nothing! No costly kennels required and pets enjoy the continuity of being looked after in familiar surroundings. We like to describe it as AirBnB with pet care!

Right now, you will find us housesitting on Lamma island for two months and looking after a very cute old dog. However our Housesitting journey started about 6 years ago in Europe when we had our own business and I was finishing my PhD. Housesitting in Europe is extremely popular and for our weekend getaways and holiday breaks we found housesitting opportunities in Denmark, England, France and Italy! It was a wonderful exchange and we were fortunate to look after some wonderful pets and meet some lovely people.

When the PhD was complete, the business was sold and we decided to head off to travel the world. During this period in Asia we have looked after 19 dogs, 23 cats, 4 hens and 5 fish! We have housesat 10 times for Expats in Cambodia, Vietnam, China and Thailand and twice in Hong Kong.

But it has been housesitting in Hong Kong that we have enjoyed the most, which is why we would love to stay a little longer if we can! Lamma island has become a haven for us in its peacefulness and community feel, despite being a mere 20 minute relaxing ferry ride from busy Central. We have thoroughly enjoyed sampling the ever changing produce and organic offerings on the island and love cooking up a storm in the kitchen. Healthy living on Lamma seems so easy thanks to the endless walks, secret beaches and quiet secluded spots to explore. The biggest change we've noticed in ourselves since arriving on Lamma island is in our fitness levels! Wandering to the shop, running for the ferry or walking the dog demands that you get fit...fast!

As the popularity of housesitting increases throughout Asia, numerous websites have developed so that homeowners and housesitters can find each other more easily. The brilliant model of housesitting is so successful because it is built on the mutual respect between the homeowner and the housesitter. Homeowners and housesitters can view each others profiles and see police checks and verified reviews before making a commitment. E-mail exchanges or Skype calls can then provide a virtual face-to-face opportunity for both parties to 'meet' and ask questions so that everyone is happy with the plan.

As we watch more people across the world considering housesitting, we were wondering if more Hong Kongers might consider housesitters next time they need to go away?

If you have any questions about Housesitting then please feel free to contact us at trustworthy.housesitters2@gmail.com

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