Best of Breed, Worst of Breeders?

Posted by Ed 6 yrs ago
Purebred winners can come from the most horrific canned breeders. This sort of abuse shouldn't be tolerated and raises many questions about the ethics of dog-human relationships.

During the past two days I've been inundated with news about nonhuman animal (animal) abuse. Frankly, it's emotionally exhausting to read about all of the animals who are intentionally and brutally abused or killed "in the name of humans," because that's what it's pretty much all about.

For example, in 2015, New Zealand claimed that animals are sentient beings. However, in their war on wildlife, millions upon millions of animals are being killed using incredibly inhumane methods, including the use of the poison 1080 that causes excruciating pain to targeted and non-targeted individuals and also results in widespread environmental damage. (See "New Zealand Continues to Have Major Animal Welfare Issues" and links therein.)

We also read about numerous horses dying at California's Santa Anita racetrack and officials there refusing to stop the racing. (Also see "Broken Legs and Heart Attacks: Unavoidable in Horse Racing?") And, just a few minutes ago, I learned that officials at the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife claim they were forced to kill a black bear who was habituated to people.

Forced? By whom?

Where are the animals in these anthropocentric decisions? They're treated merely as objects because the law classifies them as such, and humans still can get away with performing horrific intentional animal abuse.

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