Want to adopt a toy poodle

Posted by supermama 14 yrs ago
We are a family of 3 with our 5 yrs old daughter and a husky. We are living in village house with garden & roof in Yuen Long area. We have a lot of space for another dog. The reason why we want a poodle is my daughter loves small dog, when she saw my friend's poodle and she loves it.

The other reason which is more important, my mom had a white poodle for over 18yrs, she took him out 2 times a day(bad weather or even typhoon). But me and my hubby suggested to put him down because of the dog old age. The dog couldn't really walk because he couldn't see, couldnt really eat because of not too many teeth left. My mom was really upset about dog pass away........

Last year my mom found out she got cancer, this was bad bad news for my family, that's why I want to have poodle.....hopefully to make my mom more happy for the rest of her time.

If any one want to give away poodle, please send me a email: hksupermama@gmail.com


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sandiexxxx 14 yrs ago
Have to agree with Won Ton above.. If your unable to find a poodle thru animal rescue, Gary at Gaite Poodle, Causeway Bay, he is a breeder and I know his Poodles as I have 2 of them, and my friend also 2 of them from Gary. Just look him up !

He is very careful with his dogs, that said, I still would take them to a vet to be thoroughly checked out. I also have 2 from Animal Rescue and same there, vet check each time ! as mistakes can be made ...

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Toffles 14 yrs ago
SPCA has several poodles up for adoption http://www.spca.org.hk/eng/adopt/homing.asp

There is a white one called Sa Sa.

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Toffles 14 yrs ago
SPCA has several poodles up for adoption http://www.spca.org.hk/eng/adopt/homing.asp

There is a white one called Sa Sa.

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straw 14 yrs ago
there are a few poodles available from HK dog recues at the moment. you can call them to find out more!!


if you read about news on puppy mills etc, you seriously wouldnt want to buy. Please consider adoption.

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